May 28, 2018
Student and Alumni News
Posted in: Alumni News, Featured Students

Some updates from Linguistics students and alumni:
- James Ericksen (MA student) to present Determining patterns of situational language use in the English Premier League at the 22nd Sociolinguistics Symposium in Auckland, New Zealand.
- Manali Pradhan (an alumna, MA in Applied Linguistics + CL Certificate) has just accepted a job offer as a Project Coordinator at a translation services company (CQ Fluency) in Hackensack, NJ.
- Kei Ng to present at 10th Hellenic conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Tiffany Soares receives Fullbright to study abroad in Spain (still getting details)
- Erica Morales receives Harold S. Sloan Trust Award to study abroad at Nebrija University in Madrid, Spain
- Emily Ip receives Anita Magistro Udell Scholarship to study abroad in Salamanca, Spain
- Emily Olshefski accepts Language Engineering internship at Nuance Communications, Seattle WA