All University affiliated users for SEM, TEM and confocal microscopes must make a reservation. This ensures access to better management of the microscopes by those in the group. Before users first schedule a microscope, you must be added to the MMRL user list. This can be done by contacting the Director, Laying Wu. You will receive a confirmation email once you’ve been added.

Electron Microscopy Specialist/Lab Director
- Phone
- 973-655-2028
- Location
- Center for Environmental & Life Sciences, 100B
Making a Reservation
- View your Montclair Google Calendar account – Log in with your Montclair State University email, and password. You should see the microscopy calendar(s) listed under Other Calendars on the bottom of the left menu.
- Add a reservation by pressing the Create button on the top left.
- Title format – [First Name] [Last Name] – [Yes/No if assistance is needed]
- Select the date and time you would like to use the microscope
- Select the calendar that corresponds to the microscope you intend to use from the Calendar dropdown menu
- Choosing your Microscope.
- On the right select Rooms etc.
- Search “MMRL” in the search box.
- Unselect the show only available checkbox.
- Click on the Asset tab and select the microscope you wish to reserve.
- When complete, click the Save button on the top left of the page.
- You should see your reservation posted on that calendar for the designated date and time you entered.
Microscope Availability
Bruker Dimension ICON SPM
Hitachi H-7500 TEM
Nikon C2 Confocal Microscope
Hitachi S-3400N SEM
Thermo Scientific Cryostat