May 13, 2011
Keynote Presentation by Dr. Teresa Fiore, Theresa and Lawrence R. Inserra Endowed Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies
MSU Welcomes Dr. Teresa Fiore, New Inserra Endowed Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies
Posted in: Coccia eNewsletter, Coccia Upcoming Events

Keynote Address by Dr. Fiore:
“From Mortar to Immortal: Italian Immigrants in the U.S., Construction Work, and Artistic Creation”
Performance by students and faculty of the John J. Cali School of Music: “Canti, Canzoni e Cantanti”
Directed by Dr. Stephen Oosting, Coordinator of Vocal Studies
Pianist – Mary Pinto
April 4, 2011
University Hall
Conference Center
Montclair State University
Attached Media
- Keynote Presentation by and for Dr. Teresa Fiore, Inserra Endowed Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies
- Keynote Presentation by and for Dr. Teresa Fiore, Inserra Endowed Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies
- Keynote Presentation by and for Dr. Teresa Fiore, Inserra Endowed Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies
- Keynote Presentation by and for Dr. Teresa Fiore, Inserra Endowed Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies