Teaching Italian Symposium XVI: “Activating SDGs in the Italian Classroom”

The Coccia Institute held its annual Teaching Italian Symposium at Montclair State University on Friday, October 20th, 2023.

This year’s program featured wonderful presentations by our workshop facilitators on implementing the UN’s sustainable development goals in the Italian classroom.

We also had the privilege of having Consul General, Fabrizio Di Michele, and Dirigente Scolastica, Prof.ssa Laura Innocenti, in attendance at this year’s symposium! The Consul General held a meet-and-greet with MSU students and learned about their personal stories in studying Italian. The Consul General then addressed attendees with an inspiring speech about promoting the Italian language in today’s society.

We also had the distinct pleasure of collaborating with the Italian Language Foundation in which President/Co-Founder, Margaret Cuomo, also addressed attendees and generously donated 5 ILF teacher memberships! We were thrilled that this event marked a new partnership with the Italian Language Foundation, in which we continued this collaboration with another teacher development workshop held for Teachers of Italian on November 4th.

And of course, congratulazioni ancora to this year’s winner for the Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12), Ms. Enrica Fracchia-Miller from Milwaukee, WI!

A photo album from this event can be found here.