Photo of the new School of Communications and Media building.

Press Room

Experts In the News

 Dr. Joel Penney

“There’s nobody who could possibly compete on the level of name recognition, brand recognition, that kind of familiarity.”

Associate Professor for the School of Communication and Media, Joel Penney, spoke with the Associated Press about tension during the filming of the show, “The Apprentice”.

Dr. Paul Bologna 

“They call them clinging because they don’t swim around like regular jellyfish do, they hold on to the algae or the seagrass in the shallow areas.”

Associate Professor of Biology and Molecular Biology, Paul Bologna, spoke with about this year’s jellyfish invasion.

Dr. Greg Pope

“There was a perfect circulation system that allowed all that smoke to come down here and that’s not going to happen all the time.”

Professor of Earth and Environmental Studies, Greg Pope, shared his opinion with North Jersey about air quality in relation to wildfires. 

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