Professor presents at WWW conference
Dr. Aparna Varde presented at the 2018 WWW Conference where Sir Tim Berners Lee attended and assisted throughout the event.
Posted in: Conferences and Presentations

Dr. Varde, while presenting her research & performing other duties, had the pleasure of meeting Sir Tim Berners Lee, the highly reputed Turing Award winner & inventor of the World Wide Web. Dr. Varde served as a PC Member & Session Chair at WWW 2018 (Lyon, France, April 2018). Sir Tim Berners Lee himself was an attendee, workshop co-chair, and panelist on AI and the Web. She presented a paper on Mapping Ordinances and Tweets using Smart City Characteristics to Aid Opinion Mining in their Satellite Track, published as a full paper in the Companion Volume. It is authored by Manish Puri, Xu Du, Aparna Varde and Gerard de Melo.

Berners Lee