Eco-Explorer student looking at insect guide

Endless Forms, Most Beautiful and Most Complex

This course will run on Tuesday, June 29 and Tuesday, August 24

Extinction: Not Just for Dinosaurs! is meant to contextualize the poignant threat of biodiversity loss in the 21st century, helping the audience to understand the context of mass extinction and its causes as they relate to Earth’s deep time history. Following this, The Diversity of Our Environment helps to inform what truly is at risk. This presentation is meant to give a crash course in the modern biodiversity and its importance to both humans and the biosphere itself. Finally, in the form of a lecture followed by hands on experiences and guided discussion, Form & Function and Endless Forms, Most Beautiful and Most Complex let the audience ask questions and draw conclusions based on evolutionary mechanisms and natural artifacts.

8:30-8:45: Meeting and Greeting
8:45-10:00: Unit B1: Extinction: Not Just for Dinosaurs!
10:00-10:15: Break
10:15-11:30: Unit B2: The Diversity of Our Environment
11:30 am-12:00 pm: Lunch Break
12:00-13:15: Unit B3a: Form & Function
13:15-13:30: Break
13:30-15:00: Unit B3b: Endless Forms, Most Beautiful and Most Complex
15:00-15:30: Q&A and Wrap-up Session

With so many different species sharing the planet with us, it is sometimes difficult to imagine living harmoniously into perpetuity. The next workshop’s lessons will demonstrate how communities around the world are working to do just that.