College for Community Health brings Montclair State University to Newark
Posted in: College News and Events, Communication Sciences Disorders, Homepage News and Events, Kinesiology

The College for Community Health (CCHL) recently participated in the 10th annual Sustainable Health & Wellness Village Festival (SHWV) at Branch Brook Park in Newark, New Jersey. The college’s participation was coordinated by Dr. Amy Aiello and Jordan Rodgers from the CCHL Dean’s Office.
The SHWV Festival is a statewide intergenerational community-based health and wellness festival that brings together youth, seniors and families. The goal of the event is to advance health equity and improve positive public health outcomes in Black and Brown communities in New Jersey by providing participants with ready access to healthcare and community resources within a culturally relevant, festival-like atmosphere. The festival was created and is hosted by Caresparc Community Connections (CCC), a non-profit organization whose mission is to collaborate with underserved communities, service providers, and thought leaders on effective solutions to advance health equity and improve positive public health outcomes.
College for Community Health and University staff and students volunteered their time on Saturday, September 21st to share resources, offer services, and connect with the Newark community. The following departments participated in this community initiative:
- Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders: Audiology doctoral students provided education on noise exposure and safe listening practices by using a mannequin equipped with a sound level meter and providing an interactive demonstration. They also gave out hearing protection for attendees!
- Department of Kinesiology: Attendees were able to get their strength, body composition, and blood pressure tested for free. These services were provided by Nathalie Pfeifer and students from her Physiology of Exercise class.
- Department of Nutrition and Food Studies: While the adults were visiting our other tables, Jane Pilanski and her Dietetics students offered interactive games for children to learn about good nutrition, food shopping, and how to build a balanced meal.
- Office of Community Engagement and Partnerships: Colleagues from the President’s Office were connecting with other community organizations to discuss opportunities for Montclair students as well as faculty and staff to get more involved in local communities.
- Rocky the Red Hawk: Rocky was the star of the show taking pictures with families, dancing to live music, and encouraging Newark residents to check out the services we were offering.
- Undergraduate Admissions: Future Red Hawks had the opportunity to learn more about Montclair’s program offerings, application process, and student life from an Admissions Counselor.

Other offerings and highlights from the festival included clinical screenings, family activities, access to health insurance, a carnival, live music and performances, giveaways, and health education panels and workshops led by experts in nutrition, mental health, fitness, and other health-related fields. With a focus on overall well-being, the SHWV festival also provided residents with invaluable opportunities like:
- Free eye exams and glasses for the first 100 children
- Free haircuts for all ages
- A farmer’s market providing healthy food options and free bags of fresh produce
- Free lunch for the first 600 attendees
- A mobile health unit providing free mammography exams
- A mobile unit from the Motor Vehicle Commision offering full services to residents
The festival was made accessible to all Newark residents, specifically senior citizens who were bussed in and brought directly to the entrance of the park by Newark Department of Senior Services. This event was possible because of the time and commitment from community leaders, local government, and organizations with a mission to serve. The College for Community Health is honored to have participated as an event sponsor and looks forward to furthering our partnership with CCC.