Photo of young teacher with students.

Urban Teacher Residency at Montclair State University (UTR@MSU)

In September 2020, Montclair State University (MSU), in partnership with the Newark Board of Education (NBOE) and Orange Public Schools (OPS), won a $3.6 million grant from the USDOE to implement an urban teacher residency called Urban Teacher Residency at Montclair State University (UTR@MSU). Together, we will improve student achievement by applying rigorous research-based teacher preparation to the concrete needs of two school district partners. UTR@MSU is designed to recruit talented individuals, especially people of color and individuals from other occupations, into the teaching force; improve the quality of both new and prospective teachers; increase teacher retention rates; and ultimately improve student achievement.

Specifically, UTR@MSU’s goals are:

  1. To recruit and prepare high-quality, dually-certified prospective teachers for partner districts (NBOE and OPS) through a teacher residency for individuals who reflect the diverse communities of Newark and Orange, who have strong academic backgrounds and who will educate students in special education across PK-12, and in all subject areas.
  2. To improve the quality and retention of mentor teachers in partner districts through professional development aligned to residency curricular goals.
  3. To improve the quality and retention of novice teachers in partner districts by supporting program graduates with an induction program, ongoing professional development, and a network of local and national, high quality educators.
  4. To disseminate and scale the exemplary teacher residency model by incorporating key elements into MSU’s teacher education program, strengthening the partnership with NBOE’s induction program, extending the model into a new partnership with OPS, and informing the field of urban teacher education.

Critical aspects of UTR@MSU include a residency that provides classroom immersion, mentorship, and induction services, combined with professional development that benefits both teacher residents and experienced educators. Additional key features of UTR@MSU include: the use of a cohort structure; anti-racist and social justice pedagogies; induction support; collaborative inquiry, and professional learning communities; collaboration across the University and the schools; focus on teacher development; and emphasis on a connection between theory and practice.

As a result of UTR@MSU, teacher residents will be prepared to serve in our partner district schools. Each teacher resident will receive a Master of Arts in Teaching degree, teaching certification with an endorsement in teaching students with disabilities and will be Highly Qualified in their area of licensure.

For more information about this program and to apply, please visit: