Great Job Maddy!
Posted in: Communication Sciences Disorders, Speech Language Pathology, Student News

Madeline (Maddy) Cheyne, a second year speech-language pathology graduate student in the Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders at Montclair State University and special allocation graduate research assistant was selected to receive the Apraxia Kids Kristen Johnson Scholarship for $1,000.00. Maddy received her B.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders from The University of Wisconsin- Madison in May of 2021.
Maddy shared the following statements in her application: “Through my coursework and clinical experiences, I have learned the challenges associated with differential diagnosis of CAS. I strive to be a knowledgeable clinician who is competent in providing a diagnosis, counseling children and their families, and providing specific treatment unique to the needs of each child (e.g., targeting muscle movement during speech tasks, and specific practice and feedback conditions based on motor learning principles; Maas, et al., 2008) to facilitate gains in treatment while simultaneously preventing and/or alleviating negative psychosocial impacts.”
Kristin Johnson Scholarship:
Kristin Lynn Johnson was a dedicated pediatric SLP who touched the lives of countless students. In 2019, Kristin’s life was taken too soon by a motor vehicle accident. Apraxia Kids is privileged to partner with Kristin’s family to honor her extraordinary life and passion in helping children with severe speech sound disorders including childhood apraxia of speech. We are proud to honor Kristin’s legacy through supporting graduate students studying speech-language pathology.
Apraxia Kids is committed to providing training and educational opportunities for professionals and families so they have the knowledge and resources to support children with apraxia of speech.