About Grow NJ Kids
Grow NJ Kids is New Jersey’s Quality Rating Improvement System which aims to raise the quality of child care and early learning across the state. Grow NJ Kids provides resources and technical assistance to participating programs to assess and improve their programs ongoing.

About the Center for Research and Evaluation on Education and Human Services (CREEHS)
The Center for Research and Evaluation on Education and Human Services (CREEHS) at Montclair State University is a research and evaluation center that provides independent and objective program evaluation, applied research, and program planning services to state and municipal agencies, school districts, colleges, and universities, community organizations, and foundations to assist them in meeting their program improvement and accountability needs in the areas of education, public health, and human services.
As the Rating Entity for Grow NJ Kids, CREEHS implements the quality ratings of early childhood education programs enrolled in Grow NJ Kids — including systematic and unbiased observations of classroom quality, evaluates Grow NJ Kids as an initiative, and meaningfully engages Grow NJ Kids stakeholders in the rating and evaluation process. Overall, our approach to this role emphasizes communication, collaboration, and a focus on equity.