Students sitting in the Student Center Quad.

Academic Year Plans

0 - 30 Credits (Freshman)

As a freshman at Montclair State University in the Educational Opportunity Fund Program (EOF), you are expected to complete the following required goals and objectives which have been established by the Program. They reflect the skills, competencies, minimum progress and accomplishments all freshmen should achieve. In addition, you are expected to establish supplemental goals and objectives based on your unique interests, talents and aspirations in consultation with your Counselor.

I will accomplish the following within my first two semesters of full-time study.


  1. To promote a positive adjustment and assimilation into the university for first-year students.
    1. Complete all basic skills requirements within the first year.
    2. Achieve no less than 30 credits.
    3. Maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.50.
    4. Attend campus activities.
    5. Attend workshops for development (academic skills, career and personal development, etc.)
    6. Maintain monthly contact with EOP Counselor/Advisor.
  2. To involve students in the total life of the university, by making the most of campus resources.
    1. Identify and utilize appropriate support services:
    2. Other campus resources as required. ( i.e. Financial Aid)
  3. To help students learn and develop a set of critical thinking and problem-solving skills
    1. Complete the Self-Assessment Survey: based upon your scores, create (in consultation with your EOF counselor) an appropriate plan.
    2. Develop a personal statement addressing:
      • What is my reason for being in college?
      • What is my career goal?
    3. Understand the concept of “Locus of Control.”
  4. To understand Montclair State University academic policies and procedures.
    1. Possess an understanding of the financial aid process, cost of tuition, and timelines for submission of annual FAFSA.
    2. Identify potential major, restrictive curriculum guide/outline through WESS online or departments.
    3. Be knowledgeable of academic retention standards (probation, suspension, and dismissal).
    4. Know how to calculate your GPA and how to access your Academic Analysis through WESS.
    5. Develop an awareness of the admission requirements for restricted majors, minors, and concentrations.
    6. Possess an understanding of the financial aid process, cost of tuition, and timelines for submission of annual FAFSA.
31 - 59.99 (Sophomore)

The purpose of the sophomore plan is to provide support, assistance, and information to second-year students. Sophomore students often have the following concerns:

  • Declaring a major
  • Tougher academic standards and increased workload
  • Curriculum heavy on core courses, and courses becoming more challenging
  • Increased competition for grades/staying in good academic standing
  • Balancing work, academics, and social life


  1. To teach students to incorporate technology into their learning.
    1. Develop a personalized academic plan using assessment.
      • ELASSI
      • CSI
      • Becks Inventories
      • Skip Downing’s self-assessment
  2. To motivate students to make connections between major choice and career path.
    1. Declare a major, or be enrolled in appropriate prerequisite courses leading to admission into a restricted major.
    2. Develop a life plan, including short and long-term goals.
    3. Use FOCUS to explore career options as well as a major.
  3. To promote active learning and student responsibility.
    1. To identify your learning style(s). What is your preferred style? What can you do if your professor does not teach in your preferred style?
    2. Investigate career opportunities compatible with your learning style.
    3. Explore experiential learning through cooperative education and internship opportunities to continue portfolio development.
  4. To involve students in leadership and co-curricular activities.
    1. Identify and pursue opportunities for leadership experiences, become involved in campus and/or community activities. Student Government Association, Residence Education, The Montclarion, clubs, Faith-Based organizations, etc.
    2. Male Leadership Academy/Women’s Leadership Academy
60 - 89.99 (Junior)


  1. Continue portfolio development.
  2. Description and reflection on a career-related experience.
  3. Develop a writing sample.
  4. Create a personal statement.
  5. Attend Workshops.
    • Resume Preparation
    • Effective Interviewing
    • LinkedIn

The following material updates the 1976 Policy Concerning Undeclared Students issued by the Vice president for Academic Affairs R.A. Lynde

Date: December 2, 2000

A student admitted as a transfer student at the junior level is required to enter the University with their major declared. An exception is made for those students intending to enter a special program requiring prerequisites prior to acceptance into the major program. In those rare instances, the student entering the University without a major remains in status until the completion of the prerequisites but for no longer than two semesters.

90 - and above (Senior)


  1. Apply for Graduation
  2. Identify potential references for graduate school or employment
  3. Finalize portfolio
  4. Update resume
  5. Attend Capstone Experience seminar