Photo of the hawk statue and flowers

Early Warning Program

Our early warning program enhances the coordinated care network by making classroom performance transparent to student supporters. Instructors identify to students areas of their academic performance that require attention, and messages of concern or praise are sent through Navigate to students. Advisors and tutors receive the same information, enabling them to conduct appropriate supportive outreach to those students. These messages are called “alerts.”

There are multiple types of alerts: Early Progress Reports, Midterm Progress Reports, and Ad-hoc Alerts.

View Progress Reporting Periods each semester, and other important dates, here.

Progress Reports

Instructors who instruct courses for Undergraduate degree seeking students pursuing CAC, BA, BFA, BMUS and/or BS programs are required to complete progress reports. Although visiting students, graduate students and other non-degree status students may be enrolled in your undergraduate courses, they will not be listed on your Progress Report roster.

All instructors will receive an email through Navigate from the Office of the Provost notifying them that Progress Reports are available, at which time they can access and complete the reports within Navigate. You will be asked to provide feedback on your students, choosing as many reasons for your feedback as apply. You are then able to provide information on the absences and grades of the student as well as share any additional context.

Please Note: Students can see all the information you submit.

Reasons for Feedback

Early Progress Reports

Raising alerts early in the semester can help students and their advisors take corrective action in a timely manner.

In addition to selecting your reasons for feedback, there is also space for your optional comments. Tip: Always address comments to the student, as they will be able to view them directly in Navigate.

Midterm Progress Reports

By completing progress reports mid-semester, you help students and their advisors understand their standing in your course. The progress reporting period allows for time to develop an intervention plan before the end of the term; in some cases, course withdrawal may be the intervention.

Please complete the fields “# of absences to date,” and “current course grade,” as this can be critical information for the student and the advisor. There is also space for your optional comments. Always address comments to the student, as they will be able to receive them directly in Navigate.

Ad-hoc Alerts

Instructors can issue an alert for any student at any time in the semester. Under Actions on the right hand side of the Professor Home page, select “Issue an Alert.”

The Alert box will ask you to fill in the student name, select a reason for the alert, and choose the associated course. You also have the option to write detailed feedback in the additional comments section; please address your comments to the student directly.

Once you have completed this information, click submit. Students will receive an email stating the alert reason, and advisors will be able to see the alert when they run an alert report.

Quick Guide to Raising Ad-hoc Alerts (PDF)

Alert Messages and Responses

When an alert is issued, students receive an email notification from you through Navigate. Messages of concern contain template text and refer the student back to you first, also offering advising or tutoring resources as appropriate. Students are also reminded to review your comments by logging directly into Navigate. Your alert is contained in the Reports tab of the student’s view of their profile.

Once an alert of concern is issued, support parties respond to them as appropriate. Users can run Navigate reports to manage their outreach and intervention plan for students with alerts. In general, the strategies below are employed.

Alert Reason Communication Template Supporter Response Strategy
Assignments or Exam Grades Concern Log into Canvas and/or reach out to me for more details about your class grades. Discuss academic plan for improvement, which may include tutoring and meeting with the instructor.
Attendance Concern Come to class; attendance is important for your success. Contact me if you would like to discuss class attendance requirements further. Discuss reasons for lack of attendance; develop a plan for improving attendance and meeting with the instructor.
At Risk for Failing You are at risk of failing my class. Reach out to me to discuss your performance further. Your advisor is available to you for consultation as well. Determine intervention strategy through the end of the term, which may include tutoring or withdrawing from the course.
Greater Participation Encouraged I am concerned about your engagement in class. Reach out to me to discuss what you can do to improve. Review class expectations as indicated on syllabus; encourage discussion with instructor.
Keep Up the
Good Work
You’re doing nicely and showing improvement; keep it up and see me if you need help. Reinforce the instructor’s message; articulate a plan to build upon strengths.
Missing Work Please refer to my syllabus regarding my late work policy and see me if you have questions. Discuss academic plan for improvement; encourage discussion with instructor to determine if it is possible to submit missing work.
You’re doing great! You should be very proud. Reinforce instructor’s message; articulate a plan to keep the momentum.
See Me after Class or during Office Hours I would like to meet with you as soon as possible to discuss your performance in my class. Remind students to follow up with instructor as requested.

Cases for Academic Support

When an instructor refers a student for tutoring through a Navigate alert (“Tutoring Recommended”), a Case is opened with the Center for Academic Success and Tutoring. The student receives the following message: I recommend you seek tutoring now. You can receive academic support at the Center for Academic Success and Tutoring (CAST). Login to Navigate (available in NEST) to schedule your appointment for Academic Support via the “Make an Appointment/Drop-In” button on your Navigate homepage.

The Center matches the student with an appropriate tutor, who reaches out to the student personally to meet for a tutoring session. Once outreach, or a session, has taken place, the tutor updates the outcome of the case.

You can view the status of Cases on your Professor Home page. Scroll down the page to “My Issued Alerts,” and click on the Open Cases button for any “Tutoring Recommended” alert you raised.

Please Note: If the Case has been closed, it will appear as “0 Open Cases,” but is still available to view.


Only Undergraduate Degree Seeking Students Will Receive Progress Reports: Visiting students and graduate students are not included in this initiative. They will not appear in your Progress Report rosters.

Users with Multiple Roles (Professor and Advisor): If you have multiple roles, such as advisor or student, be sure to select “Professor Home” at the top of your Navigate homepage to locate your Progress Reports and Issue Alerts.

Avoid System “Time Outs”: The Progress Reports system will time out after four (4) hours of inactivity. If you do not intend to complete your Progress Reports in one sitting, be sure to submit responses periodically using the “I’m not done” button, to avoid losing your work.

Partial Submission of Progress Reports: You can submit some alerts and return to finish your roster later. Select “Submit only marked students” at the bottom of your Progress Reports roster; those students marked will receive your alert.

Submitting Your Entire Roster: It is beneficial for students and advisors to have documentation in Navigate that you have filed a Progress Report for them. You can enter alerts as appropriate, and when you have completed your entries, select “Submit unmarked students.” Their reports will default to “not at risk,” and those students will not receive any message at this time.

Seeing Progress Reports After Submission: You can see the alerts you’ve raised at the bottom of the homepage screen under “My Issued Alerts.”

Tracking Advisor Outreach for Students of Concern: Keep track of advisors’ outreach efforts and outcomes by viewing the profiles of the students for whom you have raised alerts (conversations, notes, and appointment summaries).