State Senator Andrew Zwicker visits physics club
Senator Zwicker discussed his career from plasma physics to politics and answered questions from physics students.

On Wednesday, February 21, NJ State Senator Andrew Zwicker visited the Montclair State Physics Club. Senator Zwicker is a physicist and currently serves as Head of Strategic Partnerships and Public Engagement at the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab. He earned his BS in physics from Bard College, and his PhD from Johns Hopkins University. From 2016 to 2021 he served in the NJ General Assembly. In 2022 he was elected to the State Senate, representing District 16.
Senator Zwicker spoke to a group of about 20 physics majors. Faculty members and President Koppell were also in attendance. Students asked a range of questions—from plasma physics to the Senator’s experiences in politics. Senator Zwicker provided insights into the range of issues that he tackles as a legislator, including issues relevant to supporting higher education.