President Cole Named to N.J. Governor-elect Christie’s Transition Team
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Montclair State University President Susan A. Cole has been named to the ten-member transition team of New Jersey Governor-elect Chris Christie. Headed by former New Jersey attorney general David Samson, the transition team will help guide Governor-elect Christie’s transition efforts.
“I am honored to be asked to be a member of Governor-elect Christie’s transition team,” said President Cole. “I look forward to working with the other members of the team to do all we can to support a smooth transition and a successful start to the new administration.”
The only representative from the field of education on the transition team, President Cole will be joined by Senator Joseph Kyrillos, Senator Sandra Cunningham, former State Treasurer and current Mayor of Woodbridge, John McCormac, and Alfred C. Koeppe, executive director of the Newark Alliance. Other members of the transition team are Debra DiLorenzo, president and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey, Jon Hanson, chairman and founder of the Hampshire Real Estate Companies, Ocean County Republican Chairman George Gilmore, and Mike DuHaime from the Christie campaign.
Read press coverage of the announcement from the following sources:
The Star-Ledger
The Record
Associated Press
Newsroom New Jersey
Asbury Park Press
The Press of Atlantic City
The Jersey Journal