A Message from President Koppell for COVID-19 Remembrance
Posted in: Coronavirus Updates, Homepage News and Events, News for Faculty & Staff, News for Students

Tonight we come together as a community in the amphitheater to remember those we’ve lost during the COVID-19 pandemic. And on top of all that we’ve been through together as a community. It has been a difficult period, and I want to express my condolence to all of those who have lost someone close to them during this difficult time and express my heartfelt feeling for those who have suffered through this traumatic period that has disrupted life and really sent us scrambling in ways we couldn’t have anticipated.
And yet, at the same time I want to express my hope for the future. We have also come together as a community to take care of each other. We see that in the over 90 percent vaccination rate. We see that in the compliance with the mask mandate requirement. All of these things are about caring for one another–and by doing so we have been able to create and maintain a safe learning experience.
So even as we look back with sadness, let’s maintain the optimism for the future. Because we have shown that by working together, we can overcome and we will overcome and we will thrive as a community.