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Ada Beth Cutler Fellowship

Ada Beth Cutler served as the Dean of the former College of Education and Human Services from 2000-2012. When she stepped down from that position and returned to faculty, her family, friends, and colleagues established the Ada Beth Cutler Faculty Fellows Program, to honor her dedication to public schools and teacher preparation and development.

The Fellowship program aims to support faculty members financially as they strive to learn and grow in their fields. Cutler Fellows will receive funding in support of projects that yield new knowledge in their fields or seek to improve pedagogical expertise.

As the Ada Beth Faculty Fellow Program provides opportunities for full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty, it allows our community to obtain support for projects that seek to improve the quality of work achieved in the College of Education and Human Services.

Past Recipients

2022: Dr. Elizabeth Erwin and Dr. Angela Sheely-Moore

2021: Dr. Sze Lan Liu

2020: Dr. Renata Blumberg, Dr. Lauren Dinour, and Dr. Jennifer Urban