Student involvement on campus is an important supplement to the academic college experience. An active student leader develops skills in organizational planning, interpersonal communication and time management while building strong relationships with peers. Becoming a member of a group is easy, but becoming a leader requires having the knowledge of University and student government regulations coupled with the understanding of policies and procedures.
This guide was developed by the Center for Student Involvement (CSI) to assist student leaders (both current and emerging) in becoming more familiar with the important information needed to be successful. The professional staff of CSI is here to assist you with all aspects of planning events on campus. Student leaders are encouraged to contact the Center for Student Involvement if they have any questions concerning any of the information provided in these guidelines. The Center for Student Involvement and Montclair State University reserve the right to modify any of the policies listed at any time.
CSI is located in the Student Center Annex, Room 104. Additional resources are available on the Center for Student Involvement Engage page. Student organizations should contact regarding your scheduled events.
These guidelines are the current policies and procedures for the areas listed below.
In order to conduct events and use facilities at the University, all student organizations need to be recognized by Montclair State University. Below are the recognition options for a student organization to consider.
Registered Student Organizations
Most student organizations are Registered Student Organizations (RSO) of the SGA. RSOs enjoy additional benefits and privileges including a budget from the SGA. If you are interested in becoming a registered student organization with the SGA, please visit the SGA website for more information.
Sororities and Fraternities
Fraternities and Sororities are another important aspect of the social life of Montclair State University. These organizations have specific requirements to join, such as GPA requirements. Please visit the Greek Life website for more information.
Center for Student Involvement Recognition Policy
The Center for Student Involvement provides an opportunity for the recognition of organizations not suited to other areas on campus. All undergraduate organizations should seek recognition through the Student Government Association, Inc. of Montclair State University. Otherwise:
- Recreational/sport/club sport organizations should seek recognition through Campus Recreation
- Honor Societies associated with a particular academic area should seek recognition within that academic department. General honors organizations not associated with a specific academic area must be apply a recognized member of the Association of College Honor Societies to seek recognition within the Center for Student Involvement
Recognition by the Center for Student Involvement provides:
- Right to request space to hold functions on campus
- Right to advertise on campus
- An organization Engage page
- Mailbox in the Center for Student Involvement
Recognition by the Center for Student Involvement does not provide:
- Funding
Organizations can apply for recognition through the following procedures:
Organization Requirements
- Complete initial organization recognition request on Engage
- Minimum of 10 members
- Membership list must be submitted
- Constitution that includes the Organization’s mission and purpose
- Proposed programs and/or services
- Advisor (must be Montclair State University Faculty or Staff)
- Executive Board (minimum: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary)
- Membership must be open to any undergraduate and graduate students of Montclair State University
- Organization email (preferably a Gmail account)
- Must complete organization registration on Engage each semester.
- Adhere to University, state and federal regulations.
- Provide opportunities for membership without regard for race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, religion, ability, disability, age, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual or affectional orientation, marital status or veteran status.
- Upon approval, be placed on probation for two semesters. At the end of the probationary period, barring any problems or policy violations, the organization will be formally recognized by the Center for Student Involvement.
- The recognized organization may not represent or imply that it speaks for or in the name of the University or the Center of Student Involvement.
- Organizations may be required to obtain additional insurance at their expense, depending on the type of organization.
Event Scheduling
- All student organization event scheduling is processed through Engage
- All requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the requested event date
- The last day to submit requests for the current semester will be emailed out prior to the start of the semester
- The first day to submit requests for the next semester will be determined and announced by CSI via email
- Student organizations may not hold programs during the first week of classes or after the last date for programs designated by CSI
- Outdoor events are not permitted on Reading Days. Reading Days are days in which classes are not held but the University remains open. Reading Days are often built into the Academic Calendar, but may not occur every semester.
- Please refer to the Center for Student Involvement Engage Portal (under files) for specific date/time event restrictions
- Falsifying event requests (i.e. the event is described as a fashion show on Engage, but the event executed is a date auction), will result in the cancellation of all of your organization events for the remainder of that semester and the following semester
Student organizations should contact regarding your scheduled events.
Student Center
The Student Center is the predominant building for student programming on campus. The scheduling timeline on reservation of space depends on the nature of the program. Below are the Student Center room specifications and capacities. Please note the capacity of spaces may be changed to accommodate social distancing or other safety standards. This should be helpful in deciding on the appropriate space for your event.
The Student Center reserves the right to deny, assign, reassign, or terminate space usage to a group or for a meeting or event when the event scope is beyond the physical or technical abilities of our staff or facility, or if security concerns cannot be addressed with reasonable staffing coverage. Reservation requests may also be denied if the organization or event is in conflict with university policies or regulations. In addition, Montclair State University Police may cancel or delay an event for safety (e.g. weather, loss of power or water) or security reasons, including while such event is in progress. Depending on the circumstances, reasonable attempts may be made to accommodate the sponsoring organization/department or client in an alternate space, date, and time.
Student Center Room Specifications & Capacities
NR = Not Recommended
SQ. FT |
THEATER STYLE (Rows of chairs, possible aisle in between) |
CONFERENCE STYLE (Square/rectangle of tables, chairs around outside of tables) |
Ballrooms A, B, C (STCT 250 ABC) |
48’ x 120’ | 5760 | 400 | NR |
Ballroom A (STCT 250 A) |
48’ x 63’ | 3024 | 200 | 40 |
Ballroom B (STCT 250 B) |
48’x 31’ | 1488 | 100 | 30 |
Ballroom C (STCT 250 C) |
48’ x 23 | 1104 | 75 | 30 |
Meeting Room 411-414 (STCT 411-414) |
35’ x 58’ | 2000 | 100 | 60 |
Meeting Room 415 (STCT 415) |
11’6” x 19’ | 220 | — | 12 |
Meeting Rooms 416 & 418 (STCT 416, STCT 418) |
11’6” x 19’ | 230 | — | 12 |
Meeting Room 417 (STCT 417) |
15’6” x 45’6” | 710 | 50 | 30 |
Meeting Room 419 (STCT 419) |
24’ x 48’6” | 1172 | 75 | 30 |
STCT Dining Room (STCT 251) Unavailable before 4 p.m. M-F. Room is as is. Furniture may not be rearranged in this space. |
48’ x 31’ | 1488 | 120 | 40 |
General Student Center notes:
The Student Center 4th floor rooms close at 10 p.m. Functions scheduled there must end by 10 p.m. On Saturdays, the Student Center closes at 9:30 p.m. If you are looking to host a program that would end after 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, please contact the Center for Student Involvement.
Remember that amplified sound will only be permitted during the Common Hour scheduled on Wednesdays from 1:30-5 p.m. , Saturdays and Sundays in outdoor locations.
Outside vendors of technology solutions (e.g. D.J., Lighting, etc.) must be indicated on the facility request and approved by CSI prior to their use during student programming. Student Center Scheduling must be informed of the A/V power needs prior to the scheduling of events to ensure needs can be met.
Additional Reservable Spaces
Although most facilities at Montclair State University are designed for academic purposes, space is available for use by student groups. These include classroom spaces, the University Hall Conference Center, Residence Life spaces, the Recreation Center, certain theaters and campus grounds.
Classroom space is also available for programming.
Student Organization classroom requests:
- Will not be processed until the conclusion of the add/drop period each semester. Unless otherwise indicated, this is one week after classes begin (for Spring 2022, this date is 1/26/22)
- Will not be granted:
- Prior to 8:30 p.m. (including setup time) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings
- Prior to 1 p.m. (including setup time) Fridays
- After midnight any night
- May be granted:
- 1-5 p.m. (inclusive of setup/breakdown time) on Wednesdays (Common Hour)
- Anytime Saturdays and Sundays
- Require acknowledgement from the requesting organization that furniture will not be added or removed from location and the room must be returned to its original condition and setup
- Require acknowledgement from the requesting organization that academic needs will always take precedence and may result in the cancellation or new location being assigned for their event
The University Hall 7th Floor Conference Center is available on a limited basis for the following rates: (Rates as of January 1, 2022) Rates may vary based on event details*
Weekdays before 5 p.m.: $200 (4 hour rental) ($50 each additional hour)
Weekends and after 5 p.m. on weekdays: $275 (4 hour rental, $50 each additional hour)
*Note that the actual prices will vary based on a formula which depends on number of attendees, room set-up, housekeeping, AV techs and staffing necessary for set-up and breakdown. Requests for the Conference Center are to be made through Engage (location is UNIV 7500).
Please note that it is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to follow SGA/Greek Council procedures (if applicable) to ensure that your deposit and contract are received by the Conference Center at least one week prior to the event date. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of your reservation. (Be sure to submit your paperwork to SGA/Greek Council at least 14 days in advance.)
Residence Hall Spaces
There are spaces available in Residence Halls that are available for programming. The Dinallo and Machuga Heights Multipurpose Rooms are requested through Engage. The following spaces are requested through the ‘Residence Life Location Request’ form on the CSI Engage page:
- Bohn/Blanton Quad
- Blanton Atrium
- Freeman/Russ Quad
- Village Pool
Events in Residence Hall spaces must comply with current Residence Life policies.
Recreation Center Spaces
There are limited spaces available in the Student Recreation Center. Requests for these spaces are made through Engage:
Room | Capacity |
Multipurpose Room 1 | 50 |
Multipurpose Room 2 | 25 |
Gymnasium (2 courts) | ~100 per court |
Pool | 50 Swimmers |
Note there is limited to no availability Monday through Friday, due to Group X classes that are run in those rooms for all students and the Club Sports teams, Campus Recreation meetings for student leaders and professional staff. CPR/First Aid classes etc. The use goes into the evenings. Rooms are used fairly steadily.
College of the Arts Performance Facilities
Organizations utilizing College of the Arts (CART) facilities (i.e. Memorial Auditorium, Life Hall Studio Theater, etc.) will be required to complete a “Booking Application” form and email it to the Office of CART Performance Facilities ( The form must be signed by the Director of CSI (or their designee) prior to submission. Once received, the staff will process an Event/Facility Use RESERVATION FORM and email it to the Organization for signature. The Organization may be required to provide a labor deposit (to pay for any labor provided specifically to service the Organization’s Event). A labor estimate is done for each event individually at the time the “Facility Reservation Form” is created. This is based on the type of event, technical needs and requirements of similar past events. If there are additional labor needs beyond the estimated amount, an invoice will still be sent to the Organization after the event for those additional costs. For example: an event that is estimated to need 4 technicians working an 8 hour shift, at the $29/hour current rate, a $928 deposit may be required. Requests for these events are to be made using the appropriate form on the CSI Engage portal. This request is a separate form and not through the ‘create event’ process.
To request the amphitheater, please email with your event request and details and we will contact the appropriate staff. Note the hourly staff rate at the amphitheater is $35/hour for labor.
Campus Grounds
For outdoor events, additional fees may be charged for overtime and labor. The procedures for requesting these spaces is as follows:
- Student Center Quad: Requested through Engage (Location: Student Center Quad 1, 2, 3)
- Student Center Patio: Requested through Engage (Note: The Student Center Patio is not the Student Center Quad. This is the outdoor tiled space between the Student Center Ballrooms and the Student Center Annex)
- Parking Lots: Visit the Parking Services website, complete and submit the ‘Special Event Request Form’ to Parking Services as indicated. Cost associated with parking lot rental
- Bohn/Blanton & Freeman/Russ Quads: See ‘Residence Life Spaces’ above
- Please note: The top of the CarParc Diem stairs are not available for request for student organizations
Several members of our campus community are involved in your event. If you need to cancel an event, it is important you notify the appropriate people as far in advance as possible.
To cancel an event, give as much notice as possible to the Center for Student Involvement, due to staffing and promotional concerns. Contact CSI at and copy or 973.655.7818 to cancel your event before you delete the event from Engage.
To cancel University Police, please contact both CSI and University Police (973.655.5222). Remember that cancelling scheduled officers with less than 24 hours notice will result in a charge of 2 hours per officer.
When planning your programming, it is important to take into account how much time it will take to schedule space and services. The following is a guideline to help you with your planning. Please note, the more involved your program is, the more time you will need:
Department | Lead Time (How far in advance you need to make your request) |
Cancel | Services |
University Police | 21 days | 1 day | MSU Police |
Student Center Information Desk | 5 days | 1 day | PA system, easels, karaoke machine, VGA, HDMI & aux cords |
Chartwells (Dining) | 14 days | 1 week | bag lunches, refreshments, coffee, buffet, dinner set-up (catering) |
IT Service Desk | 7 days | 2 days | Variety of A/V services, portable sound systems (requested by Faculty/staff Advisor), technicians |
Campus Recreation | 14 days | 1 day | Lifeguard (required for any pool parties) |
Memorial Auditorium | 1 semester | 1 month | All tech and design services, house managers |
Facilities | 14 days | 2 days | Tables and chairs, garbage cans, set-ups and clean-up (through work orders) |
Center for Student Involvement | 14 days – 1 month (depending on event) | 2 days | Room reservation, program advisement, organization consultation |
Scheduling | 14 days | 1 week | Room reservations (via Engage), room setups |
UNIV Conference Center | 1 month | 1 week | Event location |
Note: All of the above services must be requested and/or approved through the Center for Student Involvement and then reserved through the Scheduling Office by CSI. All changes/cancellations to existing service contracts must also be arranged through the Center for Student Involvement.
All groups, organizations, departments and outside clients who use the Student Center facilities must adhere to the policies and procedures that are set forth when holding a program or event. When an event or program is completed, the organizers of said event or program must leave the room the way they found it. Fixtures and furniture are not to be moved by the requesting organization. In the case of Pot Luck Dinners—where food is not catered by MSU Dining Services, the food must be disposed of in a proper manner. Student groups that do not clean or police themselves will incur the following penalties and charges:
- First Offense: The group will be charged a maintenance fee for excessive cleaning and/or replacement or repair costs.
- Second Offense: A charge + Loss of privileges for six (6) months.
- Third Offense: A charge + Loss of privileges for a full academic year.
Penalties must be paid within ten (10) business days. Violating groups and organizations that already have reservations or want to reserve a room will have these privileges suspended until payment is received. If payment is not received within the ten (10) business days, all privileges and reservations will be cancelled.
Policies and Procedures
Registered Student Organizations of the SGA and organizations recognized by the Center for Student Involvement are not permitted to host events on campus involving alcohol.
Decorating in the Student Center facilities can take place under the following conditions:
- Proper approvals are to be obtained from the Scheduling Office in the Student Center.
- In accordance with contract regulations, organizations will leave room in original, good condition and will clean up all decorations at the conclusion of the event.
- The organization will comply with all safety and fire regulations in effect at the time of the program.
Guidelines to follow:
- No decorations are to be hung or draped from lights or electrical fixtures.
- Exit signs must not be obstructed in any fashion.
- Spotlights or strobes may not be used without special permission from the Associate Director of Student Center Programs.
- Smoke machines are not permitted
- Loose glitter or confetti are not permitted in the Student Center.
- Nails, tacks, tape or glue may not be used on any surface of the Student Center.
- Lit candles are not permitted anywhere in the Student Center.
- Where use of twine or rope is approved, all decorations on wall, floor and ceiling must be secure so as not to create a hazardous or dangerous situation.
- Chairs and furniture must not be used for decorating purposes.
- All decorations (i.e. balloons, streamers, confetti, etc.) must be removed from the room at the conclusion of the event. Do not release balloons outdoors.
- All decorating will be monitored, inspected and subjected to approval for safety purposes by Student Center staff.
If you have any questions or special requests, including the use of ladders, please contact the Student Center Scheduling staff ten days prior to the event. Any infraction of the above may result in further administrative action or additional fees charged to the organization.
The current policy regarding demonstrations and outdoor assemblies, including required forms.
All New Jersey fire codes are applicable to all programs within the Student Center. Particular attention must be paid to fire code capacities and to ensure that entrances/exits are not blocked by any material, furniture or people. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to ensure that doorways are not blocked in any way throughout the duration of the event.
All outdoor cooking (including cooking on a food truck),grilling and open flame operations must be registered with Montclair State University Department of Fire Safety and the NJ State. The State of New Jersey mandates a permit be filed at least 14 days prior to the date of the event. All permits submitted less than the required 14 days will be automatically rejected by the State. Accompanying the permit a layout of the cooking area or open flame device, along with the means of cooking must be summated. Fire extinguishers will be provided by the Fire Safety Compliance Coordinator office. The Department of Fire Safety will inspect the setup along with the State Division of Fire Safety. There will be a charge per extinguisher if they are misused or tampered with. The cooking area must be taped off to prevent injury to the guests of the event. All LPG gas cylinders must be secured and all equipment must be in good condition. The Fire Safety Compliance Officer has the right to stop the event if there is a safety issue that is discovered.
Food Trucks and Outdoor Cooking form is online. All aspects of the form must be completed following the instructions under the Fire Permits section of the Fire Safety website. Failure to do so may result in denial of permit. If you need help with the permits, please contact Robert Ferrara at ext. 5401, fax 973-655-7837 or email There are two permits that must be filed when requesting food trucks on campus. One permit is from the State of NJ and the other is from University Fire Safety.
Food for any on campus barbecue must be purchased through Chartwells. Usually, you will need to rent a grill for your barbecue. You must establish a plan to store the grill before and after the barbecue (if your grill is delivered/picked up). Please note that propane tanks are not permitted to be brought into any building. You must make alternate plans for the propane tank.
Flag Raising
There is one flagpole available for flag raisings on campus. Campus groups interested in flying a flag can do so by requesting the Student Center Flagpole on Engage. The organizations/departments are responsible for maintaining the flags. Flags of other countries cannot be flown.
For information regarding proclamations for cultural month declarations, please contact the Office of Social Justice and Diversity.
There are five flagpoles on the campus of Montclair State University designated for the display of the American flag. The only other flag that may reside on these poles is the POW/MIA flag always flown below the American Flag. American flags may be left on the staff 24 hours a day as long as artificial lighting is provided during non-sunlit hours.
There are two other flagpoles located next to University Police on either side of the American Flag flagpole at that location. These poles permanently display the New Jersey state flag and the POW/MIA flags respectively. The POW/MIA flag may be replaced with the University flag when available and the POW/MIA flag may be flown on the same pole as the American Flag as above. In addition there are two flagpoles on the east side of the Student Center located on either side of the American Flag flagpole in that area. The shorter pole next to the Student Center may be used for the New Jersey state flag and University flag respectively. The University may relinquish the use of these two poles to raise flag shaped banners to signify University-recognized “days”, “weeks” and/or “months”. Examples of these University-recognized occasions include: African-American Heritage Month, Latin American Heritage Month, Women’s History Month, LGBTQ+ Pride Month, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Day and special campus festivals. Only special banners directly related to recognized university departments and/or organizations will be permitted. Banners require the approval of the University for display on university flagpoles. These banners may have the name of the recognized organization or department, logo and the name of Montclair State University (the use of Montclair State University is not required). The logo or wording on the banner may not violate university policy or depict modes of injury or humiliation of others. The use of special banners is limited solely to celebrate the diverse life of the members of Montclair State University community. Flagpoles may not be used to display flags of other states, territories and nations or for the expression of political views or religious beliefs. The top of flags or banners on these poles must always be lower than the adjacent American flag.
The American flag is flown at full-staff at all times except on the following occasions:
- National holidays commemorated with the lowering of the flag.
- Federal notification of an event requiring the lowering of the flag.
- Gubernatorial notification of an event requiring the lowering of the flag.
- University President’s notification of an event requiring the lowering of the flag.
The etiquette of lowering, raising and disposing of damaged flags rests with University Police. The acquisition of flags for each location will remain with the respective departments presently responsible for those flags. The duration for lowering the American or the University flag for an immediate death is from time of notification to internment unless otherwise specified in the original notification. The University President will authorize the lowering of the University flag in honor of a Montclair State University member who has died. The duration of half-staff for the University flag will be the same as for the American Flag. All notification will be directed to University Police who will fulfill these duties. For notification provided through federal or state sources, University Police will immediately notify both the Office of the University President and the Vice President for Student Development and Campus Life. At the time of lowering of the American Flag to half-staff, all adjacent flags will be lowered to remain lower than the American Flag.
The University’s Flag Regulation operates in concert with United States flag laws and regulations as contained in Public Law and amendments. The federal law and amendments are addendum to this regulation.
Dining Services
University Dining Services – Administrative Office is located on the 1st Floor (Room 160A, Auxiliary Services) of the Student Center. This office provides direct student assistance with the university’s food waiver policy. Whenever food is planned in support of an on-campus event, a Food Waiver is required prior to the food being brought to campus and served to attendees. The purpose of the waiver is to simply document the source of the food and preparers (cooks). In case of any medically related incident that may occur with the possible improper preparation, holding and disposal of the food. Here’s the link to access the University’s Food Waiver Policy and Application for the Waiver.
A food waiver is not required when food served at the student event is provided through the University’s Catering and/or any of the on-campus, retail food outlets (including Chicken Bap, Jersey Mike’s, Panda Express, Halal Shack or Panera Bread). Dining Services Catering office is located on the 7th Floor of University Hall. They can provide a variety of catering services ranging from picnics to receptions and in many styles of service (waited, buffet, banquet, etc.).
Pot Luck Meals
This is a restricted event where homemade or takeout food is prepared off-campus and the food is then consumed among your Montclair State group members only. Food at this event should not be distributed to the campus community. Potluck socials are usually a small intimate event attended by people of like interests and no outside guests are permitted (outside guests would be considered as those who are not members of the group, club, or organization hosting the event). When submitting your Food Waiver for a Potluck Social, simply list the food items to be consumed at the event. According to SGA policy, Potluck events are not applicable to SGA organizations. If you are part of the SGA, please do not submit any event under this category.
Proper planning is essential for the success of this type of programming. The process needs to begin within 10 business days of the event. Any group applying for permission to have a potluck meal must meet the following conditions:
- The use of outside caterers is not permitted. Food purchased from University Dining Services cannot be served in combination with homemade foods.
- The group must provide all the necessary equipment. Equipment from University Dining Service cannot be used.
- The group must avoid the overuse of electrical equipment. The group is responsible for all clean up and proper disposal of garbage. If cleaning is inadequate, the group may be billed for housekeeping services at overtime rates.
- The student representative, faculty or staff, must schedule the location and complete all forms that are required to finalize the event.
- The University reserves the right to cancel a function, beforehand or in progress, if a violation of policy occurs or if safety of persons or facilities is in any way compromised.
Bake Sales
Only recognized campus organizations are permitted to host bake sales. Groups wishing to hold a bake sale must:
- Schedule the sale via Engage.
- Complete the required food waiver.
- Select foods that are generally non-perishable. (Foods that do not need heating or refrigeration); and avoid where possible foods containing any of the 9 major allergens in the United States (nuts, shellfish, wheat, eggs, soy, sesame, milk, etc.),
- Handle foods in a sanitary manner and avoid health hazards. Ideally, individually wrapped goods are preferred.
- The use of electric appliances is prohibited.
- Bake sales are only permitted in University Hall, Richardson Hall, Dickson Hall and the Student Center Lobby and Quad.
- Student organizations are limited to two bake sales per month.
- The sponsoring organization must clean up after themselves at the conclusion of the bake sale. Failure to do so may result in the denial of future bake sale requests.
For the purposes of this policy a “raffle” refers to a game of chance in which a ticket or admission to the event was paid for in order to participate. Raffles are not permitted without obtaining a Bingo and Raffle license. For more information about obtaining a NJ Bingo and Raffle license.
Organizations are permitted to host games of chance such as a giveaway, prize drawing or Bingo for prizes, as long as no money is exchanged. This includes money that is given as a “donation”.
Student Organizations that are collecting money during an event and are required to deposit the profit from the function must make arrangements with the SGA prior to the event. At events where there is an admission fee or the purpose of the event is ticket sales, the presence of a University Police Officer is required. The Center for Student Involvement will not handle nor be responsible for organization funds. Deposits should be made with the SGA bookkeeper as soon as possible.
Please review the Student Government Association, Inc. financial policies regarding collection of monies.
The posting of printed literature, posters, placards, flyers and banners on campus (except in the residence halls) must be stamped and approved by the Scheduling Office (Student Center room 400) or at the Center for Student Involvement (Student Center room 104) . All student organizations must go to the Center for Student Involvement. Any materials that are posted are limited to designated areas which can be found below. Posting in the residence hall must be approved by the appropriate Residence Hall Director. Department and designated organization boards are maintained by the respective department or organization and are not available for general use. The name of the sponsoring department, group, or organization must be printed legibly on all materials. The University encourages sensitivity to all members of our diverse community in posting. Failure to comply with posting policies will result in removal of materials.
- Materials may be posted on campus bulletin boards and kiosks only (excluding special purpose bulletin boards specially designated by campus departments or groups). A bulletin board is defined as a tackable board surrounded on all four sides by a frame. Kiosk panels are designed for tape, not tacks and also surrounded by a frame.
- Tacks and staples are to be used on bulletin boards (no tape or other adhesives). Only removable tape is to be used on kiosks. Items are not to be attached to bulletin board and kiosk frames or surrounding areas.
- The maximum flyer/poster size for bulletin boards is 17” x 22”.
- There is a limit of one flyer/poster per event on each bulletin board or kiosk panel.
- Posting of flyers/posters/banners is not permitted on windows, window treatments, painted surfaces, wall, furniture, brick, concrete, wood surfaces, buildings, light poles, trees or campus signage.
- Flyers may not be left on vehicles.
- Door windows may not be obstructed by posting or other materials except to provide directional and scheduling information.
- Materials may be posted for a maximum of two weeks from date of approval. The sponsoring party is responsible for removing its postings at the end of the approved period or within 24 hours after the event, whichever comes first.
- Materials making reference to the use, sales or distribution of alcohol/drugs will not be approved.
- Materials not stamped or incorrectly posted will be removed. The posting group may lose future posting privileges. The Student Government Association requires that all Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) must include “(Organization Name) is an RSO of the SGA, Inc.” on posted materials.
- The areas in front of the Student Center, between the Student Center and the Drop-In Center and the Bohn/Blanton Quad are open to recognized student organizations, SGA and CSI to display placards. Placards cannot block traffic patterns or be attached to buildings or cause damage to University property. Placards must be removed at the conclusion of each semester.
- Chalking on campus is limited to recognized student organizations and university departments and is permitted only on paved walkways. Chalking is not allowed on vertical surfaces. Approved locations include the areas in front of the library, Student Center, Dickson and Residence Halls. Chalking must be done in open areas, which are directly washed by rain. Chalkings must follow the same guidelines as flyers/posted materials (i.e. no alcohol/drug references, etc.)
Exceptions for special events and programs may be requested through the Scheduling Office for approval by the Vice President for Student Development and Campus Life. Requests should include: (1) the reason an exception is requested, (2) the special material to be posted, (3) location(s) desired and (4) time period.
Posting Policy for the Student Center
In addition to the above policy, the Student Center reserves the right to determine the location/presentation of the material. Special regulations pertaining to circulating postings in the Student Center and Annex are summarized as follows:
- The display of materials at the Information Desk is limited to University departments and recognized campus organizations. Legitimate identification of the sponsoring organization is required.
- Lobby easels are available to programs occurring in the Student Center two days before and the day of the program.
- Professionally made banners can be hung from the 3rd floor balcony. Permission must be obtained from the Center for Student Involvement. If approved, the banner can be hung the day before and the day of the program.
Eating/Drinking Contests
- Events where participants must race or otherwise compete to eat or drink as much as possible or eat/drink a certain amount in a certain time are prohibited.
“Smash” Events
- Events that include the destruction of materials are prohibited. This includes but is not limited to cars, household items and any items made of metal, glass or plastic.
Date/Service Auctions
The Center for Student Involvement is responsible for ensuring that programs, services and activities on our campus are provided in an environment that contributes to students becoming socially responsible global citizens. Our goal is to provide quality campus life experiences that enhance the learning and development of all students. In reflecting on this goal, we have determined that date and service auctions are inappropriate activities for student organizations at Montclair State University and will no longer be permitted due to the following reasons:
- Racial Awareness
Date auctions are reminiscent of slave auctions. Slave auctions are events that are a part of this country’s history. While this may not be the intent of date auctions today, they present human beings as property to be purchased. Regardless of the form of payment for a person or their services, an auction (often involving a bidding process) may devalue the person being auctioned. On a campus where inclusiveness is at the very core of our community, any activity promoting the purchase of a human being for services to another fails to promote a diverse, open and accepting environment. - Gender Awareness
Furthering the mission of inclusiveness, respecting the rights of others is valued in our community. One of the underlying issues that often exists in date auctions is the idea of entitlement, stemming from the notion of “purchasing” another person. Date rapes, sexual assaults or any other inappropriate acts may result from this assumption. Purchasing a person’s services may promote “entitlement” in the person bidding. Date auctions can create disharmony within a community by disadvantaging participants. - Personal Safety
Date auctions involve a person spending time with another person. Often the person who has been bid on is not familiar with the other person. This has the potential of resulting in hidden attractions or desires that may be inappropriate or pose harm. While this may be an extreme case scenario, the possibilities are real. - Alternative Activities
Date auctions are often used as fundraising activities that support charitable organizations or the individual student organizations themselves. The Center for Student Involvement recognizes these efforts as positive intentions that engage students in civic responsibility. However, student organizations are encouraged to choose among the many other creative and imaginative fundraising activities and programs that promote an inclusive and safe environment. The Center for Student Involvement staff is available to help develop ideas for fundraising with you.Date/Service Auction policy adapted from the Wartburg College, Texas A&M University and Florida Atlantic University Statement/Guidelines for Date/Service Auctions 5/2017
Balloons & Lanterns
- The release of helium balloons outdoors (ceremonially or for disposal) is prohibited
- Use of biodegradable balloons is encouraged
- Per NJ state law, the use of “sky lanterns” (small balloons propelled/airborne by flame) is prohibited
For more information on the Rock Policy and to learn how to request a rock, please visit the Campus Rocks page.
Effective Tuesday, September 1, 2020, use of all tobacco products are prohibited on-campus. Ready Policy.
The Student Center Quad is a common area surrounded by academic and administrative offices, as is the Alumni Green, Amphitheater and Bohn/Blanton Quad. There can be no amplification of sound during class hours. For purposes of this policy, amplified sound is defined as any sound enhanced by sound amplifying equipment. Sound-amplifying equipment includes, but is not limited to, any machine or device used for the amplification of the human voice, music or any other sound. Classes are scheduled from 7 a.m. – 11 p.m., Monday through Friday. Amplification will be permitted during the Common Hour scheduled on Wednesdays from 1:30-5 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays. The level of amplification will be monitored by Student Life staff. You are expected to be courteous to the offices and activities that take place during the Common Hour. If the volume exceeds a reasonable level, you will be asked to lower it. Failure to lower the volume or raising the volume after you have been asked to lower it will result in your event being shut down.
Any music/amplified sound played outdoors must be clean (i.e. radio version). No profanity is permitted. Any performers and/or DJs must be made aware of this in advance. Failure to comply will result in the sound being shut down.
The following policies govern the display of materials in the Student Center Annex, specifically the five windows immediately to the right of the sign that reads “Notice to Patrons: This group/individual is expressing their first amendment rights. These activities may not reflect or be endorsed by Montclair State University but are permissible under state and federal law.” posted across from the University Bookstore/Student Government Association, Inc. (Student Center 103). These displays are to be programmatic in nature and not for advertising or recruitment.

Window policies
- Displays can be posted no longer than five business days (Monday, 9 a.m. – Friday, 5 p.m.). Displays are not permitted between 5 p.m. on Friday through 9 a.m. on Monday.
- Displays can occupy a maximum of five window panes.
- Displays must be monitored daily by sponsoring organizations.
- Sponsoring organizations must be clearly posted.
- Only one display can be posted at any time.
- Sponsoring organizations are responsible for supplying materials needed to create display. A table is not provided.
- No part of the display (i.e. table for signing up) may interfere with the flow of traffic.
- Sponsoring organization is responsible for cleanup and removal of all display materials at the end of the display period.
- Scotch tape, masking tape and post-it notes are permitted to adhere materials to windows. Glue, duct tape, gaff tape and packing tape are prohibited.
- Sponsoring organizations are responsible for damages and excessive clean up related to their display.
Requesting the windows
- Requests must be made at least two weeks in advance.
- -Requests are made through the organization’s Engage portal, using the same event request process as other events. Add ‘STCT Window’ to your reservation request.
Student Center Technology
The Student Center has a limited supply of technology solutions. The scope of service includes both in house and portable public address systems, projectors and screens. Please speak with the Center for Student Involvement for specific information.
PA sound systems are available in the following meeting rooms:
- Ballroom and Student Center Dining Room, on the lobby level
- 411-14 and 419 on the 4th floor
- Rathskeller on the1st floor
- Annex Room 126
Affixed projectors and screens are available in rooms SC 411, 417, 419, Ballroom A and Annex 126.
Use of the Student Center technology solutions is provided on a set-up and drop-off basis. There is no assigned media technician to operate the equipment. The group/user is responsible for the condition and return of the equipment contracted. It is expected that the contract representative notify Student Center staff at either the Information Desk or Office of Student Center Programs when they have any questions and/or when they are done.
DIT Service Desk
The Montclair State University DIT Service Desk located in University Hall, 5th Floor, takes care of all additional requests for audio-visual materials, equipment and services for events outside of the Student Center. The Service Desk also provides video equipment for special events and conferences. There may be an additional charge for these services, which will be the responsibility of the contracting organization. Student Organizations may not request A/V equipment from DIT, the faculty/staff advisor must do so on their behalf.
Police Services: defined broadly to provide a safe atmosphere for attendees and members of the campus community. May include: verification of student status, voluntarily searching attendees for contraband, monetary escorts/safekeeping (as requested), ejecting attendees for just cause or at the request of sponsors, enforcement of all applicable NJ laws and University policy and general law enforcement services of safety and protection.
University Police officers are not responsible for lost or stolen items, injury or damage caused by attendees or sponsors. The University Police Department reserves the right to cancel all or part of any event at the request of sponsors, the Center for Student Involvement or in the opinion of any police officer in charge of the event or campus operations at the time of the event or prior to the commencement of the event or during the event. Sponsoring party is responsible for any damages to University property or personnel that is a result of their negligence or any admission reimbursement due to cancellation of all or part of the event.
- Request service—The request for police coverage must be submitted 21 days prior to the date of the event. This allows sufficient time for University Police to make appropriate assignments. Failure to submit the request form within the 21 day deadline may result in the cancellation of the event. At the time of the request, the primary organization will be emailed an estimate of police costs. Remember that this is an estimate and the actual invoice amount may change based on your actual event.
- Payment of services— As of Fall of 2021, the SGA will be streamlining the payment process for UPD services at the events of Registered Student Organizations.
- As stated earlier, the authority of University Police exists only when they are officially paid by University Payroll Services (either on shift or contracted for overtime coverage). Therefore, University Police is not permitted to ‘volunteer’ or donate their services, regardless of the type or purpose of the event.
- Determination of Rates—The overtime pay rate for MSU police is $60 per hour per officer. Two hour minimum guarantee of wages is required. University Police and the Center for Student Involvement must be notified at least 24 hours prior to scheduled event time in the event of a cancellation. Failure to do so will result in a charge of 2 hours per officer scheduled.
- The Center for Student Involvement can advise you on your security needs. The amount of security required will depend on the size and type of event. The following is a guideline by which security is determined.
There are four categories under which your event can be classified. They are:
Type A: Under 100 Montclair State University students where there is no money collected and it is a seated event.
Type B: Under 100 Montclair State University students as well as non-MSU students, the event is a dance or money is being collected.
Type C: Over 100 Montclair State University students and is a seated event.
Type D: Over 100 Montclair State University students as well as non-MSU students, the event is a dance and/or money is being collected.
Please note: if your event will have a DJ and/or loud music (i.e. bands/groups) or is a pool party, University Police coverage is required, regardless of the number of anticipated attendees. Events held at Memorial Auditorium will typically require 10 officers.
Each category has a different security guideline. They are:
Type A: No security
Type B: 1 or 2 officers (depending on event)
Type C: 1 officer per 100 guests
Type D: 2 officers per 100 guests
Please note this is a guideline. CSI and University Police will make the final determination of the number of officers required for any event based on event history, attendance, type of event, audience, admission charges, after party and other factors.
The Center for Student Involvement will provide wristbands for events occurring on-campus when necessary. CSI will determine whether wristbands and/or stamps are required. Stamps are to ensure that wristbands are not transferred. The number of wristbands given will be the capacity for that event (i.e. once the wristbands are gone, the event is considered sold out). It is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization(s) to distribute wristbands and stamps and check them at the door (s). Any stamps and unused wristbands must be returned to the Center for Student Involvement. Wristbands or stamps will not be provided for off- campus events.
If CSI Staff/ Event Assistants are not present to assist, the sponsoring organization is responsible for designating people to apply the wristband/stamp to all attendees/participants.
The sponsoring organization(s) must also designate people to be at the entrance to check wristbands/stamps for the duration of the event. This is the responsibility of the organization, not University Police or CSI.
Event Check In
Organizations should use the CheckIn App feature of Engage to track attendance. Use the Check-in app to scan attendees’ Event Pass to minimize contact. You can also swipe IDs (into Engage or into a spreadsheet for uploading later) or add a list of attendee emails later. Check this page for detailed information on tracking attendance.
Attendees can use the Corq app to find events and scan their Event Pass (the unique QR code for each user).
Organizations may request to borrow a swiper (ID card reader) from CSI. Organizations will be charged a fee of $25 if the swiper is not returned or is damaged.
- Engage Resources for organizations and departments
- 25Live (Scheduling for faculty/staff)
- Student Government Association, Inc.