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News and Announcements

Dr. Eshuis receives NSF-RUI award

$195,000 award; SusChEM: Towards accurate computational dynamical and mechanistic studies of transition metal homogeneous (photo)catalysis

Posted in: Chemistry, Research News

Feature image for Dr. Eshuis receives NSF-RUI award

In this project funded by the Chemical Catalysis Program and the Chemical Theory, Models and Computational Methods Program of the Division of Chemistry, Professor Hendrik Eshuis of Montclair State University is applying and developing computational methods to study the catalysis of chemical reactions using metal complexes and to understand the relationship between the structure of molecules and their activity as catalysts. A computational method, called the Random Phase Approximation Method, is being developed and refined to described fundamental aspects of how chemical bonds are activated by catalysts. This method is also being applied to study how light can drive certain catalysts to perform specific reactions, also known as photocatalysis. This project is contributing to the toolbox of computational methods available for the study of a wide range of chemistries, including catalysis. Ultimately, it may advance the development of more efficient and greener catalysts, a goal of interest to both society and industry. Both undergraduate and graduate students are involved in this research, and Prof. Eshuis is involved in strengthening the computational chemistry component of the chemistry curriculum at Montclair State University.

For more information see the award on the NSF Award website