August 31, 2018
Professor Receives CAPEES/Nanova Frontier Research Award
Dr. Yang Deng, Earth and Environmental Studies, received the honor from the Association of Chinese-American Professors in Environmental Engineering and Science (CAPEES).
Posted in: Awards and Recognition, Department Research, Faculty

The CAPEES/Nanova Frontier Research Award was created in 2017 to recognize up to two outstanding professors in environmental science and engineering who have achieved recognized research leadership and pioneered an innovative research area.
Dr. Deng’s research interests include:
- Innovative Water Treatment Technologies
- Urban Stormwater Treatment and Reuse
- Wastewater Reuse
- Emergency Water Supply in Response to Natural Disasters
CAPEES is a not-for-profit organization with the mission to promote discovery, exchange, and dissemination of knowledge and ideas in the field of environmental engineering and science, to foster professional growth and career development of Chinese American professors in environmental engineering and science, and to provide expert scientific and technical services to the environmental engineering and science community and the society at large.