rock samples on table


Category: Environmental Science and Management PhD

Md Shahnul Islam during presentation

Student receives prestigious 2024 Anchor QEA Scholarship

PhD candidate Md Shahnul Islam earned the award for his work studying trace metal contamination in the environment

PhD student with NJSWEP scholarship chair at Gala event in Camden, NJ

PhD Student Receives NJSWEP Award

Qiufeng Lin was selected as a recipient of the 2024 Graduate Scholarship Award by the New Jersey Society of Women Environmental Professionals (NJSWEP)

Oluwafemi Soetan with poster at a conference

PhD student selected as finalist for the prestigious Knauss Marine Fellowship

This competitive fellowship selects from an array of early-career graduate environmental professionals and students to serve in the Federal Government for a one-year period in Washington DC.

Qiufeng Lin with poster at NJWEA conference

PhD Student Takes Second Place in 2023 NJWEA Student Poster Competition

dinosaur artwork by Hermann Bermudez

Geological Society of America Awards PhD Student Memorialized Award and Grant

PhD candidate Hermann Bermudez received the award and grant to progress his research

dinosaur artwork by Hermann Bermudez

Impact that killed the dinosaurs triggered “mega-earthquake” that lasted weeks to months

PhD candidate Hermann Bermudez discusses the topic of his upcoming presentation at the Geological Society of America’s Annual Conference

Hermann Bermudez sampling rock

Doctoral student receives GSA Award to promote understanding of the consequences of the Chicxulub asteroid impact

Hermann D. Bermudez, a PhD student in the Environmental Science and Management program, has received a Geological Society of America research grant to support field work.

Femi Soetan

Oluwafemi Soetan awarded Scholarship from The Land Conservancy of New Jersey

This scholarship will contribute to Femi’s research aiming to influence policies on water resource conservation and global water security

JOIDES Resolution docked

Doctoral Student Joins Ocean Expedition to Investigate Climate Change

Victoria Hojnacki is one of 52 scientists selected for International Ocean Discovery Program expedition

flying drone at the beach

Join the PhD program and research developed coastline dynamics

Dr. Jorge Lorenzo-Trueba is seeking a student to join the Environmental Science and Management PhD program and join his research group

JOIDES Resolution docked

Doctoral student invited as shipboard scientist to investigate climate change

Jesse Kolodin '21 preparing a drone for launch

Environmental Scientist Wins Fellowship at Eagleton Institute of Politics

Research studies connections between beach protection and Jersey Shore economy