March 28, 2023
Montclair State graduate Davon Loeb reading from memoir
Posted in: Alumni News, English Department, Homepage News and Events

Montclair State graduate Davon Loeb reading from memoir
April 10, 2023, 5:30-6:30PM
Cole Hall Room 141
Montclair State graduate Davon Loeb will be reading from his memoir, The In-Betweens, on Monday, April 10, 141 Cole Hall, 5:30-6:30. Loeb has been an editor at The Rumpus, Apiary Magazine, Bending Genres, and Connotation Press. His work has appeared in Catapult Magazine, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Ploughshares, Creative Nonfiction, Joyland Magazine, The Offing Magazine, PANK Magazine, Pleiades Magazine, and elsewhere.