Heterogeneous Ireland
Posted in: Events

The symposium Heterogeneous Ireland will take place on the campus of Montclair State University on Thursday May 9th, in Feliciano 140, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The symposium’s focus is the varieties of people, ethnicities, religions, and literatures in twentieth and twenty-first centuries Ireland and Northern Ireland. The speakers are distinguished academics from Ireland, Northern Ireland, the UK, and the United States. There is no fee for attendance. Heterogeneous Ireland has been organized by Lucy McDiarmid, Marie Frazee Baldassarre Professor of English, and it is sponsored by the Frazee Baldassarre Professorship. For more information, write Lucy McDiarmid<mcdiarmidL@montclair.edu>.
Lauren Arrington
Abby Bender
Mary Burke
Matthew Campbell
Lucy Collins
Ashim Dutta
Nidhi Zak / Aria Eipe
Adrian Frazier
Nicholas Grene
Geraldine Higgins
Edna Longley
Maria McGarrity
Harryette Mullen
Eve Patten