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Spanish and Latino Studies

Movie Night Raises Audiodescription Awareness

Posted in: News & Events

photo of scene in movie "Coco"

On October 29, 2019, the Department of Anthropology and the Department of Spanish and Latino Studies collaborated and organized a movie night with English audio description (AD) to raise awareness on campus about AD. About 50 students came to the event. Free pizza was provided, which was a big hit amongst the students. Everyone greatly enjoyed the event and loved the sweet movie, even after a few technological problems at the beginning. The audio description was received positively, and was overall very good. Some students posted about it on social media, and expressed their happiness to be at the event.

One invited student, who had never heard about AD before, commented: “I loved every bit of it. The audio description was really cool, and it was super interesting to experience it.”

Another student commented: “As someone who has seen this movie several times, I can say that the audio description helped me see so many more details that I had not noticed before, which was something unexpected.”

Finally, a blind student from MSU who joined us expressed: “I thought the audio description was great. I would never have understood what was going on, especially with the skeletons and in the world of the dead, if they had not described it so well. I was able to understand everything that was happening, and even laugh with everyone else.”

Overall, this event was a total success, and we would love to have more of them whenever possible!