Reconnect with friends and family
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With the seasons changing, the weather will bring us indoors more than ever before. Now is the perfect time to go through your phone and list of contacts and clear out anyone who does not serve you well and reconnect with those you have lost touch with.
Reconnecting with old friends and family can be very helpful during this transition into fall and winter. Especially when travel is going to be tricky this season. You may never know who you help and who also may be able to help you. Going through your list of contacts will ignite those old memories both good and bad. Try to let the bad go and focus on the ones that bring you joy and laughter. Take out a pen and paper and write down anyone you would like to chat with. Write down the last time you remember speaking to that person. Take time to really think of everything that has happened since. Go down memory lane and write down your favorite memory with them. When you make the call, leave a message with that memory in mind.
Sometimes when we are too caught up in our solidarity, we tend to only focus on what we are feeling. We tend to forget that maybe somebody out there may be needing you right at this moment, even if it is just a phone call. Most of the times when we help others, it ends up helping us in return. You never know who might be needing you this season. Take time to reach out and reconnect with someone. The world needs more connection and it starts with you.
Written by:
Amanda Cuoco