Finding light
Posted in: Uncategorized

It is time to let go of your couch and get out. Do not wait for another day or make excuses as to why you have become your couch. We need to re-enter the world again safely and protected and with the intention of breathing in a new reality. One year from the start of a global pandemic we stand here together and remember the loss of many lives and realize all the changes that have taken place since that day. Let us be reminded of what we still have and find an appreciation for the lives that still remain. We yearn for a better and brighter future and the only way to create change is to change ourselves first.
We need to get outside and walk more often. We need to find a friend to talk to on our walks and check in with one another. We desperately need human interaction and although we may not be able to be fully unmasked, we at least can implement the safety procedures that have become the new norm. We need to stop making excuses as to why we can’t get out and just go. Spring is right around the corner and the earth is calling to us to reunite safely. We must remember that we are stronger together and by getting out and even saying hello to a stranger can make us feel connected again. Human connection is important for our mental and physical health. Go outside and let go of that screen for a while. Here’s to finding the light in us again.
Written by:
Amanda Cuoco