I Tested Positive for COVID. What Do I Do?
Student Health Center Guidelines If You Test Positive for COVID 19.
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I Have COVID, Now What?
If you test positive we ask that you isolate yourself at home. If you are a residential student, we encourage you to go home. If this is not possible, please discuss with your roommate(s) and isolate in your room. All students who test positive must follow the CDC recommended steps to self-isolate including masking and avoid contact with others, except to get medical care. Contact your professors directly to notify them of your absence.
Summary of What to Do:
- Students do not have to notify the Health Center of a positive COVID test. You may contact the Student Health Center for any health-related questions.
- Students who test positive for COVID are required to isolate for a minimum of 5 days and wear a mask for 10 days when around others.
- Stay or return home. The University is not moving residential students or roommates to isolation or quarantine spaces.
- Notify your professors of your absence.
- During your five (5) days of isolation, you may leave your room to go to the bathroom or to pick up meals wearing a well-fitting mask. You are expected to always wear a mask for the full ten (10) days from the start of your isolation when around others.
- Follow CDC Isolation Guidelines to determine your return to campus date.
- Remain off campus during your isolation period. You cannot attend in-person classes or activities
- You must wear a high quality mask for days 6-10 when you leave isolation and are around others.
I Have Been Exposed to COVID, Now What?
If you were exposed (no symptoms) to the virus that causes COVID-19 or have been told by a healthcare provider or public health authority that you were exposed you should do the following:
- Wear a mask immediately
- Monitor for symptoms of illness
- Test for COVID based on the CDC Guidelines. If you test positive, follow the instructions above.
If You Are Sick…
Students who are sick can contact the Student Health Center who will advise you about managing your symptoms and evaluate your need for an appointment. You will be asked to do a home COVID test which can be purchased at the Montclair State University bookstore (1st floor of the Student Center) or at CVS, Walgreens, RiteAid, Walmart, Target.
As a reminder, stay home anytime you are sick – whether it’s COVID-19, the flu or another illness.
Class Absence
The Student Health Center does not provide excuse notes for class absences. Please contact your professors to determine how to address missed classes.
Resources for All Students
- Student Health Center – confidential health services for all matriculated students. No insurance required. 973-655-4361
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) – confidential mental health support for all matriculated students. No insurance required. 973-655-5211
Emergency Medical Services – on campus ambulance with EMTs. Call 973-655-5222 or 911