Aerial view of Graduate School and Nursing building.

Cayuse IRB Training

There will be a total of 3 virtual workshops hosted throughout the Fall 2024 semester:

  1. IRB & Cayuse Basics Workshop 1, Wednesday September 25th, 12-1 pm
  2. IRB & Cayuse Basics Workshop 2, Tuesday October 22nd, 4-5 pm
  3. Supplemental Cayuse Workshop, Wednesday November 13th, 12-1 pm
The IRB & Cayuse Basics Workshop will cover basic IRB information and an introduction to Cayuse, Montclair’s e-IRB system. The Supplemental Cayuse Workshop will cover Initial, Modification, Administrative Check-In/Renewal, & Closure submissions in Cayuse.

Register for a workshop here!

If you are unable to make it to any of the above listed workshops, please see here for more information regarding 1:1 support from IRB staff.

To gain access to a video of a recorded IRB workshop, send an email request to:

Please also visit our Cayuse IRB Initial Submission Training PowerPoint!