The following applications and guidance documents are meant to assist new researchers in completing their IRB applications. PI permission has been obtained and PIs had the option of retaining their names on the application or removing identifying information.
These sample applications are meant for training University researchers in completing a Montclair State University IRB application. For any other use please contact the IRB office for permission.
NOTE: Use of the content in these examples does not automatically confirm that your application will be approved. Each study and protocol is different and reviewed on a case-by-case basis under the guidance provided in the IRB P&P Manual.
- Example 1: Interview/Focus Group: Sample Cayuse IRB Appliation
- Example 2: Online/Survey: Sample Cayuse IRB application
- Example 3: Online/Survey with compensation
- Example 4: School-Based research: Sample Cayuse IRB Application
- Example 5: Benign Behavioral Intervention: Sample Cayuse IRB Application
- Application Instructions: Exempt 1 Application Guidance – (existing classroom educational practices)