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Library News

Announcing Access to Embase!

Posted in: Homepage Features

Woman sitting at large microscope in a lab

Sprague Library has added a new biomedical database. Embase covers health and biomedical literature (1947 – present) with a focus on drugs and pharmacology, medical devices, clinical medicine, and basic science relevant to clinical medicine.

Embase contains three databases:

  • The Embase database: Contains biomedical literature from 1974 to present.
  • The MEDLINE database: Covers journals from 1966 to present.
  • Embase Classic: The Embase back file covering almost 2 million biomedical and pharmacological citations drawn from over 3,000 international titles from between 1947 and 1973.

In addition, the database contains some older articles indexed in Embase Classic and the MEDLINE database, dating back to 1907. Embase retrieves information in a combined search, unless you have specifically designed your search to retrieve records from one particular database. With new drug and disease-related information constantly released, Embase is updated daily to provide a comprehensive and reliable source of information.

The database includes the powerful Emtree thesaurus – a hierarchically structured, controlled vocabulary for biomedicine and the related life sciences. Emtree terms are more granular than PubMed’s subject headings and offer better indexing coverage of devices and drugs. Emtree is updated three times a year and all Embase records are updated at the same time to reflect any changes in Emtree terminology.

Embase is available on and off campus for all Montclair State University students and employees. Researchers can set up regular email alerts to see the latest research on topics of interest. For more information about how to search Embase, see their set of getting started video tutorials.

Photo credit: National Cancer Institute via Unsplash.