Periodicals on shelves


Office of the Dean

The Office of the Dean oversees all library departments and is responsible for all library operations and activities.

Contact Us

Denise O’Shea, Interim Dean of University Libraries

Kristin Calvert, Associate Dean for Administration

Valentina Cucuzza, Executive Assistant to the Dean, Library Administration

Anthony Florio, Financial Services Assistant, Library Administration

Access Services and Resource Sharing

Access Services and Resource Sharing

The Access Services and Resource Sharing Department facilitates physical access to Sprague Library’s circulating books, media and reserve materials collections and offers a variety of services to Library patrons. Interlibrary Services is also part of Access Services to help get you materials from other libraries (ones we don’t already have!)

  • registering for borrowing privileges
  • checking out, renewing and returning circulating books and media
  • placing hold and recall requests for books and media in circulation
  • helping patrons navigate the library and find items in the library
  • searching for missing books or media
  • managing the payment of library fines and fees
  • managing library reserves
  • managing study spaces
  • loaning technology and equipment
  • providing access to the multimedia classroom
  • interlibrary services

Our main desk is located immediately to the left once you enter the front entrance of the Library. Please see our hours.

Media Lists, Guides and Resources

Contact Us

Access Services Desk (main desk)

Justin Savage, Interim Head for Access Services & Resource Sharing

Building Services

Building Services Management

The Building Services team coordinates with University Facilities to ensure the library building and its systems remain in excellent working order. Their primary responsibility is to meet the needs of the library and other building tenants while enforcing University and Library policies and procedures. The team initiates maintenance requests, serves as the Library’s designated representative for coordinating renovations and relocations, and provides support for events.

Contact Us

Jarreau Henderson, Building Services Manager

Cataloging, Metadata and Archive Services

Cataloging, Metadata and Archive Services

Through the creation and maintenance of metadata records in the University Libraries Catalog, the Cataloging Department supports the University’s educational and research programs by providing accurate and complete access to all of the various resources of the Library – print, media and electronic, in a timely and efficient manner. Department webpage: Cataloging, Metadata and Archive Services

Contact Us

Catherine Oliver, Head for Cataloging, Metadata and Archive Services

Cataloging Staff


Collection Development and Acquisition

Collection Development and Acquisitions

The Acquisitions Department’s role in the Library is to analyze, evaluate and develop the collection and to acquire library material in support of the instructional, research and informational needs of students, faculty and the University community; to manage and expand the library materials budget; and to improve the quality and efficiency of acquisitions in support of the Library’s mission.

The Library’s policy on selecting, evaluating, weeding, replacing and retaining Library resources and in developing collections in all formats is provided in our Collection Development Policy (2024) (PDF).


Contact Us

Acquisitions Staff


Electronic Resources & Periodicals

Electronic Resources & Periodicals

Electronic Resources & Periodicals manages the e-resources and periodicals collection. We welcome recommendations and suggestions from University faculty (including adjuncts) and staff for new titles to add to our collection. To see a list of periodicals the library subscribes to, consult the Journals A – Z list.

Learn how to borrow periodicals.

Electronic Resources

Periodicals Resources

Contact Us

Steve Shapiro

Government Documents

Government Documents

The Harry A. Sprague Library has been a selective federal documents depository since 1967. As a member of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), the Library collects documents on a wide range of topics from the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, to support the Montclair State University curriculum. Agencies that are well represented include the Departments of Commerce, Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Labor, State and the Treasury. In addition, we procure many Federal Reserve Bank and Government Accounting Office (GAO) documents. The Montclair State collection is especially strong in the areas of environmental management, health and human services, education, and business. Sprague Library’s government documents are available for public use in the library. However, borrowing is limited to faculty, staff and students, and valid guest and community borrowers at Montclair State University.

Research Guides:

Contact Us:

Darren Sweeper


Research and Reference Services

Research and Reference Services

Research and Reference Librarians are available to help you with all of your information and research needs. You can chat with a librarian 24/7, email us, or make an in-person or virtual appointment. We also work with entire classes at the request of the course instructor.

Contact Us

Reference Librarians Responsibilities Phone
Catherine Baird Online and Outreach Services Librarian 973-655-7144
Jacob Bilek Research & Instruction Librarian (STEM) 973-655-4316
Theresa Corbin Research & Instruction Librarian 973-655-5276
Cyn Coulter Research & Instruction Librarian 973-655-2949
Bonnie Fong Department Head, Research and Reference Services 973-655-4231
Christina Getaz Adjunct 973-655-4298
Leah Greis Adjunct 973-655-4298
Robert Jensen Research & Instruction Librarian 973-655-5267
Justin Savage Interim Head for Access Services & Resource Sharing 973-655-7142
Darren Sweeper Government Documents and Research Services Librarian 973-655-7145
William Vincenti Research and Reference Librarian 973-655-7147
Drew Wallace Research and Reference Librarian 973-655-7143
Bloomfield College Library

All departments at Bloomfield College Library are headed by Interim Director Mark Jackson. For questions about any department at Bloomfield College Library, please contact Mark Jackson at or call the library at 973-655-2945.