Can’t find what you’re looking for below? Check out our Research Help for more library services.
- My Library Account
- For users to log in and review checked-out items, holds, interlibrary loans and more.
- Forms and Requests
- Request reserves, research appointments, schedule library instruction for your students (if you’re a course instructor), and tell us what books and media we should buy.
- Reserves
- Learn about course reserves, or if you’re a course instructor, put items on reserve for your students.
- Borrowing
- Everything you need to know about where and how to borrow from the library.
- Interlibrary Services
- Request books and journal articles from other libraries.
- Instruction and Workshops
- Sign up for a library workshop or if you’re a course instructor, set up a class visit with a librarian.
- Study Spaces
- Where to find and reserve designated group, silent and quiet study areas, and more.
- Technology and Equipment
- Locations and directions to the equipment offered at the library (e.g. scanners, printers).
- Services for Patrons with Disabilities
- Information on assistive technology and services.
- Services for Faculty
- All the library services for faculty in one place!