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Library News

Bloomfield College Library Catalog Integration

Posted in: Homepage Features

library shelf with books

The University Libraries are implementing a catalog integration which will make it possible to search for books and media from both campus locations at the same time. At this stage of the process, Bloomfield College Library books & media are now appearing in the Sprague Library catalog. They are all marked as “Not Available” and this status may be inaccurate. Please use the Bloomfield catalog for accurate information. We apologize for any confusion this may cause and this will be resolved once the integration process is completed.

catalog item of book, Language and power on the rhetorical stage : theory in the body

If you are a Montclair campus patron who wants to borrow an item that is owned by Bloomfield College, please submit an ILL Book Request Form. If possible, add the note that the item is available at Bloomfield College Library. You will be notified via email once the item is at Sprague Library and ready for pickup. It should not take more than 2-4 days to receive the item. If you have any questions, please contact ILL at

If you are in the Bloomfield Library, please see a library associate at the front desk for assistance.

If you have any further questions, please email us at

Please check back on this story for more information as it becomes available.