Course Reserves
Posted in: Homepage Features, Reserves
Making course materials (including textbooks, book chapters, articles, videos, and more) available for free through the library’s course reserves collections is wonderfully convenient, and it can help ease any financial strain that students might be facing.
Sprague Library is licensing more e-books and streaming media, and our course reserves materials will be available to students mostly online. However, we still have a collection of print reserves materials as many print books, particularly textbooks, are not for sale to libraries as e-books, even if they are available to individuals.
Whenever possible, the Library encourages instructors to assign materials already freely available online or licensed through the library catalog to help minimize Montclair students’ textbook expenses. Sprague Librarians can assist instructors in locating textbook alternatives from both existing library e-resources and open educational resources (OER), and Access Services staff can assist with scanning and placing limited selections of physical material held by the library or provided by instructors through electronic reserves into your Canvas course.
Questions about Course Reserves should be directed as follows:
- For general questions about Course Reserves, write to
- To submit a course reserves request, instructors should fill out the Course Reserves Request form.
- To submit a request to purchase a book or an e-book, instructors should fill out the Book Request form.
- To submit a request to purchase a media title, instructors should fill out the Multimedia / Streaming Video Request form.
- For assistance finding textbook alternatives, contact the appropriate liaison librarian or contact our Ask a Librarian service.
Additional information about Sprague Library Course Reserves is available through the Course Reserves page on the library website and the library reserves FAQ.