screenshot of the Turnitin Banner


Turnitin is Montclair State University’s plagiarism detection system. It is seamlessly integrated directly within Canvas. Turnitin is the world’s leading cloud-based software for evaluating student work. Its features include an Originality Report that determines plagiarism, Grademark for providing feedback, and peer review resources.

Enabling Turnitin in a Canvas Assignment

  1. Log in to Canvas at
  2. Select your course
  3. Click Assignments in the Course Navigation menu
  4. Click Add assignment
  5. Enter the assignment title, point value, and other relevant information
  6. In the Submission Type menu, select Online. (Select Text Entry and/or File Upload)screenshot showing turnitin options
  7. Under Plagiarism Review, select Turnitinscreenshot showing turnitin being selecting under plagiarism review
  8. Choose your desired settings based on the Turnitin options provided. Click Save as default settings to preserve your settings for future Turnitin assignments.

NOTE: If you copy a Turnitin assignment prior to December 27, 2021, faculty will need to edit the assignment to enable the new configuration of Turnitin by following the steps above.

ETS e-rater (Grammar Feedback)

ETS e-rater is a form of grammar feedback technology that automatically checks submitted work for grammar, usage, mechanics, style and spelling errors.

  1. To enable, select Enable grammar checking using ETS e-rater technology
  2. Choose your desired settings based on the options provided

 Understanding e-rater feedback, please check out this article.

screenshot showing turnitin erater settings

How Students Submit to a Turnitin Assignment

Students will follow the same assignment upload process but will be prompted with the message below. Students are required to click the checkbox before submitting.


screenshot showing turnitin's end user agreement prompt
How Instructors Access Turnitin Reports
  1. Click on the assignment
  2. Click on Speedgrader
screenshot showing turnitin in speedgrader

To view your Similarity Report in Turnitin, select the similarity percentage from the right-hand side of SpeedGrader.

screenshot showing turnitin similarity score

What do the similarity score colors indicate?

The percentage range is 0% to 100% with the possible similarity groupings being:

chart depicting the meaning of the different colors in turnitin

Turnitin will open the Similarity Report in a new window.

Graphic for the Turnitin Similarity Report for AI

NOTE: You may be prompted to agree to the Turnitin User Agreement.


screenshot showing the turnitin end user license agreement

Interpreting the Similarity Score

Turnitin checks a user’s work against its extensive database. If instances are found where a user’s writing is similar to or matches against a source this will be flagged for your review in the match overview.

The database includes billions of web pages: both current and archived content from the Internet, a repository of works students have submitted to Turnitin in the past, and scholarly publications, which comprises thousands of periodicals, journals, and publications.


Graphic for the Turnitin Similarity Score for AI

Understanding Layers

icon to open the menus in turnitin

Similarity Layer Options

e-rater Layer Options

Other Options

Students Accessing Similarity Report

When setting up the Turnitin assignment, navigate to the option “Show report to students” and select one of the following options:

  • Immediately
  • After the assignment is graded
  • After the due date
  • Never


turnitin report options

Student access the report through the Canvas gradebook by clicking on the originality report icon.

turnitin report in gradebook

Students may be prompted to agree to the Turnitin User Agreement.

screenshot showing the turnitin end user license agreement



The Similarity Report will open.

turnitin feedback studio graphic displaying an example of the Turnitin software feedback studio for students

Please visit the TurnItIn website to find more details of the Similarity Report.