Chinese Language Students Awarded Certificates by Chinese Universities
Posted in: Chinese, Student News, World Languages and Cultures

Students of Chinese, Tyler Van Buren (Computer Science major and Chinese minor), Jasia Hilson (Accounting major and Chinese minor), and Katerine Rodas-Barros (2024 graduate majoring in Biology) won the 2024 Spring College Scholarship for High School/College Students to attend virtual courses offered by Chinese universities. Jasia and Katherine completed a sixteen-week online Chinese language course titled “Virtual Study Tour to China” taught by Xi’an International Studies University while Tyler attended a course hosted by Shandong University. The Scholarship Programs were co-organized by the New American International Culture Corporation.
Jasia attends Montclair because of her passion for Chinese. She states, “Learning Chinese and becoming proficient in it has become my lifelong journey. I first decided to come to Montclair State University because it allowed me to learn Chinese. Getting to take classes with the teachers at Xi’an University allowed me to further my studies. I can’t even express how much of a wonderful opportunity it is.” Tyler was surprised by the opportunity that the scholarship provided: “I decided to take Chinese for my world language requirement because I wanted to better appreciate classic Chinese literature and philosophy. Getting the opportunity to take lessons with Shandong University was an unexpected blessing.”
Additionally, Minami Gonzalez, Anthropology major and triple minor in Asian Languages, Asian Studies, and Japanese at Montclair State University, successfully completed the Teacher Certificate Program: Understand Chinese Culture and Practice jointly offered by the China Institute in America and East China Normal University. Certificate requirements for this program involved either attending six out of nine virtual workshops offered via Zoom, or completing one of two in-person workshops offered at the China Institute location in NYC on pedagogy for K-12 educators; Minami selected the former option.
The students’ dedication and hard work have truly paid off, as evidenced by their successful completion of their courses and the well-deserved certificates they have earned.
Congratulations to them all!