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Double Major Information

Have you ever thought of double majoring or minoring in a language?

Many of our students have multiple majors and/or minors. Working closely with an advisor will allow students to prepare for a competitive job market and enhance their academic experience within multiple programs while maintaining a four-year graduation schedule.

Benefits: Having a major — either alone or as a double major with another area of study — or a minor in a language area is a great way to boost your employment opportunities for the future. In today’s globalized and globalizing world, one is always more marketable with a language major or minor on one’s résumé.

What We Offer: The Department of World Languages and Cultures offers French, German, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese and Japanese. In French, one can focus on any of the following three concentrations: Teacher Education (which leads to certification to teach French), Civilization (a general liberal arts curriculum), or Translation (with Simultaneous Interpreting). The Arabic and Russian programs have two possible minors — in language and area studies. The German major has been reinstated, and students can also minor in the language. Hebrew is now working on creating a minor for the future. Students can currently minor in Chinese, and Japanese is offered at all levels of language.

Double Majoring in Language and Political Science or International Business: Many of our language majors or minors also study Political Science and International Business, or Asian Studies. Also, we encourage study abroad (and help with all the details to make it happen — students can go abroad for a semester or a full year). We have our own summer programs in Nice and Amman that are very popular.

Dr. Lois Oppenheim, Chair
Dept. of World Languages and Cultures Phone: 973-655-4283