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Luis Bernal, Class of 2014

Posted in: Alumni

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I graduated from Montclair State in the spring of 2014 with a Bachelor’s in Sociology. I’m a founding teacher at a brand new high school in Chicago. My sociology degree has given me a tremendous ability to understand my students and the conditions in which they reside.

I joined Teach for America program after I graduated at MSU, and I always felt very prepared for discussions and was able to contribute thanks to what I learned at Montclair. When I was doing my Master’s degree at the University of Pennsylvania, I found myself many times going back to my notebooks and readings from my sociology classes. Those allowed me to contribute a lot in my classes. Classes I never expected to be useful – like sociology of sports – have come in very handy and allowed me successfully lead the boys and girls soccer team to a couple of championship victories.

The Sociology major at Montclair enables you to become a well-rounded sociologist and prepares you with meaningful and useful knowledge that will benefit you in whatever you take on after you graduate.