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Alumni News

Lambda Theta Phi, Latin Fraternity Inc., – 31st ​Kappa Chapter Anniversary Celebration

Posted in: Alumni News and Events

Lambda Theta Phi alumni

Lambda Theta Phi,​Latin Fraternity Inc., Kappa Chapter, celebrated the fraternity’s 31st anniversary during a campus celebration at Montclair State University on February 24. The event was built on the successful celebration of their milestone 30th anniversary, which was held virtually in February 2021 due to the pandemic. The fraternity brothers decided that it was important to gather together in person to celebrate, and they made it happen!

Reunion committee chairs, Rey Acevedo ’13, Jason Velante ’00, Antonio Garcia ’01, and Luis Roeder ’05, worked closely with the Montclair State Alumni Engagement and Annual Giving team to plan and execute a successful reunion for the Lambda Theta Phi brothers.

“Thank you Montclair State University for accepting us, many of us first-generation students, from poor or working poor “at-risk” families, wanting a better life through achieving a college education,” said Acevedo. “We believe ‘En La Union Esta La Fuerza’ – In unity there is strength. No matter how great any one person might be, they cannot do more than a united group. We have truly been united in brotherhood.”

​Acevedo went on to share that by having this strong bond of brotherhood and community, members helped and supported each other to be successful in their schoolwork and classes. In addition, there was a sense of accountability, where leadership roles were expected and attained. Brothers held many leadership positions in various student organizations, including the Student Government Association, and one member served as the student representative on the Montclair State University Board of Trustees.

One highlight of the event included a group fundraising effort in support of the James E. Harris Book Scholarship. James E. Harris ’68, ’70 MA, former Associate Dean of Students and University Ombudsman, provided 42 years of dedicated service to Montclair State. He made a tremendous impact on the professional and personal lives of many students, including the brothers of Lambda Theta Phi. Harris established the scholarship to provide highly deserving undergraduate students financial support for the purchase of books.

Collectively the brothers raised $1,200 in support of the scholarship. Harris joined the event virtually to express his gratitude and reminisce about the tight bond they all shared at Montclair State. “Thank you for supporting the fund which helps provide books for a diverse group of highly intelligent, highly motivated students who understand that education is the key that opens doors to many opportunities,” shared Harris.

The members of Lambda Theta Phi,​ Latin Fraternity Inc., Kappa Chapter, plan to continue giving back and stay connected to Montclair by participating in educational and service programming, annual giving efforts, and re-energizing the fraternity at Montclair State.