Announcing Bloomfield Reunion 2024: Celebrating the Classes of 2013, 1998, 1973 and 2014, 1999 and 1974
Bloomfield College of Montclair State University alumni, get ready to reminisce, reconnect and rediscover!
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Reunion provides alumni with the opportunity to reconnect with each other and with their alma mater. For many, it’s a reason to celebrate with lifelong friends. For others, it’s a chance to get together with classmates, many of whom they may not have seen in years. Some have been back to campus to visit or attend events and activities, while others are experiencing years’ worth of growth and change when they return for reunion.
“Campus may have changed since their time here, but what hasn’t changed is the great sense of community that is still shared by alumni and current students alike,” says Jeanne Marano, assistant vice president for Annual Giving and Alumni Engagement. “We are thrilled to be able to celebrate in person and have the opportunity to invite the reunion classes back to campus to reconnect with each other and the College.”
The 2024 Reunion Celebration will take place on Friday, May 17. Members of the classes of 2013, 1998, 1973 and 2014, 1999 and 1974 will have the opportunity to reconnect with former classmates and fellow alumni at the celebration marking their 10th, 25th and 50th milestone anniversaries. Alumni are invited to come home to the Bloomfield campus for a special reunion pinning ceremony and reception. The celebration will include a tour of campus to discover all the exciting changes since their time as a student.
As a special tribute to members of our 50th Reunion classes of 1973 and 1974, members are invited to walk with the current graduating class at the 2024. Commencement ceremony, which will take place on the Bloomfield campus on Saturday, May 18.
Check your inbox! Full details, including registration, will be announced in the coming weeks.
Join the Committee
Members of the reunion volunteer committee have been working hard to plan a memorable reunion this May. Many thanks to this fabulous team: Emily Hall ’13, Dre’Shonda Williams ’13, Da’Cheray Thomas ’14, Cynthia Jordan ’13, and John Murdock ’73.They are looking forward to reconnecting and celebrating with friends and classmates.
“Being on the reunion committee keeps me connected to Bloomfield College,” stated Dre’Shonda Williams ’13. “I loved Bloomfield College as a student, so naturally as an alumna, staying connected is really important to me. Connecting with classmates is like stepping into a time machine where all the friendship, nostalgia and memories come together. I’m excited for this reunion and to continue to be a part of the university community.”
If you are interested in assisting with planning an unforgettable celebration, we invite you to join the planning committee. We are reaching out to all members of the Classes of 2013, 1998, 1973 and 2014, 1999, 1974 to ask for your help in spreading the word. Committee members participate by calling or emailing classmates to encourage them to attend the reunion, to dig out their yearbooks, gather memorabilia and get ready to reconnect and celebrate in May.
If you are interested in serving on your Reunion Committee or would like more information, please contact Briana Curtis, associate director of Alumni Engagement, at or 973-655-7478.