Photo of students during counseling session.

School Counseling Certification (Post-Master’s)

Coordinator: Ms. Lisa Ellis
Office: University Hall, Room 2127
Phone: 973-655-7267


The School Counseling Certification program is a post-master’s program for students with a Master’s in Counseling who would like to add School Counseling to their work.

Since students come in with a variety of master’s courses, there might be additional courses needed to meet the NJ DOE requirements. Once a student is admitted into the program, a transcript review is completed and individualized program of student is developed based on NJ and Montclair State University requirements.

The School Counseling Certificate program is designed to fulfill state-level standards for School Counselors. This program meets the highest professional standards according to the New Jersey Department of Education, and the national accrediting body, CACREP. This certificate will provide the additional credit hours necessary to obtain an NJ School Counselor Certification.

Course RequirementsNJ School Counseling Certification Information

Admission Information

All candidates must meet application and admission requirements as defined by The Graduate School.