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Welcome to Our New Blog

Posted in: Uncategorized

Photo of Sharon Waters

I stood on the edge of the cliff, regretting I’d come that far but wanting to take the next step.  Ten or so other people had already effortlessly grabbed the rope and swung themselves out over the tributary of the Tena River in Ecuador, dropping exactly at the right moment to hit the deepest spot of water. I wasn’t sure my coordination could pull that off, and all I could picture were those tourist-tragedy news stories that leave you wondering, “Well, of course that guy/gal shouldn’t have been doing that.” (And what was in that water, anyway?)

Then I grabbed the rope and jumped.

Sometimes, you just have to take the leap. Entrepreneurs know this better than anyone. They jump into the unknown, trying out new ideas, products, innovations. They are always looking, and moving, forward. They keep an open mind—the word “can’t” doesn’t seem to be in the vocabulary—and are always searching for new ideas. They have vision and passion, and the moxie to pursue what they want. They are tenacious, and see failure as a chance to learn, not an excuse to give up. They are scrappy.

This new blog, Take the Leap, will highlight what’s happening in the world of entrepreneurship at Montclair State University. You’ll read a lot about the Feliciano Center for Entrepreneurship, where this blog is housed, but also about innovative activities anywhere on campus. There will also be links to things of interest to entrepreneurs, on a regional, state, national and even global level.

Our hope is that this blog, and our website, will help you take the leap, whether it’s taking one of our classes, pursuing our certificate in entrepreneurship, coming to one of our events or starting a business.

Take the Leap is a blog about entrepreneurial activities at Montclair State University, and beyond. A former CPA and journalist, Sharon Waters is the program manager at the Feliciano Center for Entrepreneurship. She can be reached at or 973-655-6803.