Fall 2024 French Conversation and Cultural Events
Posted in: French, Student News, World Languages and Cultures

Bookmark this page! We add events on a bi-weekly basis. Or follow us on Instagram: @msufrench Venez nombreux!
Free French Tutoring in Schmitt 230 or by Zoom (Sept. 9-Dec. 20). Note that times were updated in October.
- le lundi de 16h à 18h en présentiel : Schmitt 230 (Isaac)
- le mercredi de 11h à 13h en présentiel : Schmitt 230 (Mensanh)
- le jeudi 15h à 17h Zoom : https://montclair.zoom.us/j/88955682780 (Isaac)
- le mardi 13hr à 15hr Zoom: https://montclair.zoom.us/j/88955682780 (Mensanh)
Tutoring is available for conversation practice, to help explain difficult concepts, to read through assignments and to help understand errors in written work, but not to correct or rewrite the work itself. Tutoring is also available for French and other subjects at CAST.
Center for Writing Excellence (CWE). Need help with writing term papers or other projects? Need help with English language projects? Make an appointment with the CWE! They provide one-on-one feedback for all students, faculty, staff, and alumni on all types of writing, in any stage of the writing process. In addition to face-to-face sessions, online appointments with the option to Zoom are available seven days per week. https://www.montclair.edu/center-for-writing-excellence/appointments/.
Check out CHILL, the new Career Hub for International Language Learners! Tons of tips for professionalizing your language skills, ideas about job sectors that favor language learners, and alumni “on the job” videos!
Conversation Hour (shifted time in Oct)
Wednesdays from 3:00-4:00pm in the Schmitt 2nd floor open area (go to the quad side of the building through the doors). With snacks! Topics will include seasonal events, travel, and vocabulary that students will find helpful in future careers.
Try your hand at translating a poem (from French into English, Spanish or Haitian Kreyòl) or recording a reading at our “Phares haïtiens: 19th-Century Haitian Luminaries in Translation” repository!
Free French Books!
Check out the “little library” of free French books in the second floor atrium of Schmitt. Feel free to take books home, to share with friends, or to add your own materials.
Upcoming Events
CHILL launch! Dec. 11 at 3:30pm (Dickson Hall, 178). Come celebrate the end of term and explore the new online Career Hub for language learners while earning free prizes and gift cards! RSVP here.
Feb. 19, 10:00am Translation Speaker Series: Josh Goldsmith. “A Professional Interpreter’s Perspective on Technology and Human Connections.” In-person (Schmitt 119) and over Zoom. (Register here for Zoom link). Professional multilingual conference interpreter, language technology expert, and Techforword Geek-In-Chief Josh Goldsmith will cover potential career paths for linguists, how to break into the market, the challenges and opportunities of remote interpreting/AI, and his own trajectory researching and discovering how technology can be an effective job aid for linguists.
External Events:
Sat, Nov 2; 10am-3pm. Bilingual Education Fair – Villa Albertine, 972 5th Avenue, NYC (Cultural Services of the French Embassy). Registration here.
Friday November 15, at 3pm EST, Julie Candler Hayes (University of Massachusetts Amherst) and Andrew Janiak (Duke University) will present their respective new books, Women moralists in early modern France (Oxford University Press, 2024) and The Enlightenment’s Most Dangerous Woman: Émilie Du Châtelet and the Making of Modern Philosophy (Oxford University Press, 2024). After their conversation, there will be time for further questions from the audience. To register, please use this link, which you may forward to interested
colleagues and students: https://princeton.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMuf–spz4iE9KHwgzvgVo8BqTOSeaaYkSl
Scholarships and Other Resources
Scholarship Universe: Check out this new program at the University and start planning to write applications during winter break!
iGrad personal financial portal. Available in NEST to help with financial literacy (prizes available)!
French Career Advice and Career Services. Our Career Services colleagues have tons of tools to help you find job paths that interest you, find an on-campus job or internship, construct a resume, or practice your interview skills! Talk to French faculty as well: we love to strategize about the side skills you may wish to build as you move through our programs! Make the most of your French skills no matter where you go after graduation!
Concluded Fall Events
Aug. 28-Sept. 8 Watch the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games! https://www.paralympic.org/paris-2024 Terrific competitions and more beautiful views of France.
Sept. 1-Sept. 10. Gift Card Raffle! Sign up to be entered in a raffle to win gift cards to help pay for books and supplies (with thanks to our alumni donors!). Entry form here for those enrolled in French classes in Fall 2024: https://forms.gle/ShRFeAyX9B69fxp36 Prizes announced at the Welcome fest on Sept. 11!
Sept. 11, 1:30-3pm Welcome Fest! Schmitt Hall, Room 125. Come make new friends, all of whom are learning languages, and share tasty snacks!
Sept. 21, 5:00pm Leshowitz Recital Hall, Chapin Hall (Music Building). “Epic Narratives on the Piano: A Journey through Ballades,” featuring Younhee Kim. This faculty piano recital will showcase Chopin’s Complete Four Ballades and Liszt’s Ballade in B Minor, along with other pieces. FREE!
Sept. 26, 7:00pm [sign up by Sept. 14!]. Philippe Petit will be ON CAMPUS to discuss his iconic “Man on Wire” film about his illegal tightwalk between the World Trade centers! RSVP here now to reserve your seat to attend with the MSU French program faculty and students. Student tickets are FREE!
Oct 2, 2:30pm: MEMS Lecture: Cristina Guardiola. “Sex Sells: The Rise and Fall of Celestina.” In-person in Schmitt 104, or register for Zoom link here.
Oct 15, 5:30pm: Translation Speaker Series: Kate Deimling. “Creative and Literary French iTranslation.” Register for Zoom lecture here.
Oct 23, 3-5pm, Calca Hall 135: Movie screening, “Madan Sara,” a film by Etant Dupain. The Madan Sara are on the forefront of the battle for a more robust and inclusive economy in Haiti. Join us for a screening and a conversation with the filmmaking team. Co-sponsored by the departments of World Languages & Cultures and Anthropology.
Oct. 15 and ongoing: Applications open for the TAPIF (Teach in France program after graduation Program): https://www.tapif.org/
Sat, Oct 26, 11am. Join Prof Lalic’s class on a trip to the Metropolitan Museum in New York City! Students from FREN 546/542 and FREN 470, and other interested students, will explore the 19th-century European paintings galleries, focusing on Post-Impressionist, Symbolist, Art Nouveau, and Decadent French artists and their works. Bring a snack or enjoy a bite with us at the MET Café, surrounded by stunning art, including the impressive Tiffany glass installations. We will depart by train from Bay Street Station in Montclair at 11 a.m., the only station in Montclair with trains running that day. RSVP on this Google Form! For more information, contact Prof Lalic at hadzicg@montclair.edu.
Nov. 7, 2:15-3:30pm, University Hall 1010: Information Session, Court Interpreter Internship Program, Passaic Vicinage.
Updated10 December 2024