
New Canvas Features

Hypothes.is, the collaborative web annotation tool that allows users to annotate digital text has introduced new Canvas features:

Annotate Documents in Canvas Pages

  • This upgrade allows instructors to effortlessly create assignments using Hypothesis with Canvas Pages.
  • Here are step-by-step instructions on how to utilize this new feature (click on Select Canvas Page).

Improvements to the Daily Digest Emails

  • This upgrade allows instructors to select the cadence they wish to have the email (i.e. which days of the week). The digest will now inform them which assignments have new annotations from students.
  • Here are step-by-step instructions on how to utilize this new feature.

Reusing Annotations with Import/Export

  • This enhancement will allow the instructor to reuse annotations from one assignment to another, spanning different semesters or when the same assignment is used in multiple course sites. You can also use this feature to easily copy instructor annotations into multiple groups in the same assignment. Moreover, both faculty members and students can now export annotations linked to a given assignment.
  • Here are step-by-step instructions on how to use this new feature.
  • To see this new feature in action, you can view this video.