Strong Montclair Math Ed doctoral student presence at PME-NA conference
Posted in: Research Presentations, Research Projects

The North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference was held in Cleveland Nov 7-10. Students from the Mathematics Education PhD presented in multiple sessions throughout the event. View a summary of these presentations below.

Doctoral candidate, Youngjun Kim, presented with Montclair Mathematics Education PhD alumnus, Dr. Zareen Gul Aga. Their talk was titled: High School Field Experience Personnel’s Perceptions About Mathematics Identity

Doctoral candidate, Amy Daniel, presented with her research supervisor, Dr. Nina Bailey. Their presentation was titled: Exploratory Case Study: Using observational data to study preservice teacher math anxiety

Doctoral student, Emily Olson, was the lead presenter on the poster presentation titled: Stretchy Minds: Building Foundations for Deep Creativity Through Early Experiences with Qualitative Geometry. She presented with Dr. Steven Greenstein, Iain Kerr, Dr. Bridgett Looney (Montclair Teacher Education and Teacher Development PhD alumnus), and Dr. Karmen Yu (Montclair Mathematics Education PhD alumnus)

Helene Leonard (left) animatedly presenting to a conference attendee, Dr. Nicholas Kochmanski of UNCG

Amanda Provost, Katryne Dubeau (University of Saskatchewan, Canada), Jennifer Hall (Monash University, Australia), Lynda R. Wiest (University of Nevada, Reno), and Katrina Piatek-Jimenez (Central Michigan University). Missing: Weverton Ataide Pinheiro (Texas Tech University)