The New Faculty program, developed in 1994 with the concurrence of the faculty Union, uses a proactive approach to quickly and thoroughly integrate new faculty into the campus community. A Director and several experienced faculty members from each of the colleges and schools coordinate and facilitate the program sessions. New, tenure-track and teaching faculty are assigned to one of these faculty members who serve as Resource Faculty during the duration of the program. The program runs for one semester and provides each faculty member with a one-quarter-time reduction in instructional load (one course) per semester.
The goals of the program are to:
- Welcome new faculty members and underscore their importance within the University community.
- Orient new faculty to the University’s culture.
- Develop a lasting cross-discipline, cross-college collegiality within the new faculty cohort to complement that established within the department.
- Expose new faculty to the University’s expectations on scholarship, teaching and service.
- Provide a clear and unequivocal understanding of the expectations of the University for faculty.
- Establish the practice of regular participation in professional development.
- Help underscore the importance of the new Teaching Faculty role at Montclair as an important part of the faculty and success of the University.
Throughout the year, there are opportunity for new faculty to interact with each other, their faculty peers, administrators and professional staff. The program offers a myriad of opportunities that our University offers for professional development.
2024 New Faculty Group Photo Coming Soon!
2023 New Montclair State University Faculty