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Office of Sponsored Programs

Featured Awards – May 2018

Posted in: Featured Awards

Shawn Connolly University Facilities
It Pays to Plug In: NJ’s Electric Workplace Charging Grant at Montclair State University
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Awarded to Montclair State’s Univeristy Facilities department, the Workplace Charging Grant Program provides a grant to Montclair State to offset the cost of purchasing and installing electric vehicle charging stations. This program is designed to support and encourage employees to purchase and drive electric vehicles to work, which reduces vehicle emissions.

Gerard Costa Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health
Project LAUNCH 2017-2018 Supplement
New Jersey Department of Children and Families
With a supplemental award given to the Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health, this project will continue to promote a comprehensive, coordinated health system to address the physical, emotional, social, behavioral, and cognitive aspects of child wellness.

Sarah Lowe Psychology
GuLF Study: Support for Mental Health Analyses
National Institutes of Health/NIEHS
In collaboration with the NIEHS and Social & Scientific Systems, Inc. investigative team, Dr. Sarah Lowe will provide expert consultation and will collaborate on the conduct, interpretation, and reporting of analyses of study data focused primarily on the characterization of mental health outcomes observed among workers and volunteers who were involved in clean-up activities associated with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico for the Gulf Long-Term Follow-Up Study (GuLF STUDY).

Jane Ann Williams Office of International Engagement
2018 Fullbright Gateway Orientation at Montclair State University
U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Jane Ann Williams directed a comprehensive immersive orientation in a welcoming inclusive environment at Montclair State which promoted mutual understanding, improved the grantees’ knowledge of U.S. academic and cultural life, and addressed challenges faced during the cultural adjustment period. Fulbrights experienced personal and professional growth and goal planning while building lasting friendships and a network of mentors and supporters. Grantees had ample time to meet with diverse Montclair State graduate students, faculty Fulbright alums, and current Fulbright students throughout the workshops and site visits.

Meiyin Wu Passaic River Institute
Assessing the Water Quality of the Musconetcong River
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
This subaward supported by the North Jersey Resource Conservation and Development allowed Dr. Meiyin Wu to develop a watershed restoration plan that describes the management measures needed to achieve adequate levels in the reduction of fecal coliform and attain water quality standards for both total phosphorus and total suspended solids, reduce aquatic life impairments to a non-impaired status and assess the potential for the restoration of the base flow of the Musconetcong River in the 19.6 square miles of the watershed.

Meiyin Wu Passaic River Institute
Connecting Habitat Across New Jersey (CHANJ) Assessments
Department of the Interior – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
As a subaward from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, this project aims to perform an assessment program in the state of New Jersey while surveying culverts focusing on stream crossings in areas of high priority to maintain habitat connectivity. The information gathered can result in the improvement of current culverts, enhancing habitat connectivity, reducing flood hazards, and wildlife collision.