Opening Reception for Wonders of Code Exhibition
Posted in: Announcements

The Department of Art & Design at Montclair State University is excited to announce the opening reception for the Wonders of Code Exhibition.
The Wonders of Code is an exhibition of creative coding projects created by the Creative Coding class. Creative Coding is where code is used as the primary medium to create a wide range of generative and interactive projects. The class brings together aesthetic ideas with algorithmic thinking. The exhibition will contain digital prints, videos, and interactive artworks, all made through programming and code. It opens this Friday, November 3rd and will run through November 9th with an opening reception on November 3, 2023, from 4:00 – 6:00 pm.
The exhibition has been curated by class members Camila Garcia and Thomas Sheridan, who also created the exhibition posters.
Come see what Creative Coding is all about!
Creative Coding Exhibition
Finley Gallery, Finley Hall
Exhibition dates: November 3 – 9, 2023
Opening Reception: November 3, 2023, from 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Students represented in the exhibition:
- Jalen Aguirre
- Sandra Benlian
- Karyn Brancard
- Janelsy Caceres
- Katherine De la Cruz
- Brett Diese
- Aliciana Fite
- Ben Fitzsimmons
- Victoria Gallagher
- Camila Garcia
- Robert Gaskill
- Britany Giraldo
- Audrey Hitchens
- Sarah Ibrahim
- Paolo La Rosa
- Isabella Latella
- Katie Mascuch
- Caitlin Mendoza
- Nicole Nieto
- Evan Okun
- Julia Oliveri
- Nicole Ricci
- Casey Ryu
- Thomas Sheridan
- Michael Shimabukuro
- Alexa Sibello
- Arjin Tas
- Maral Tutunjian
- Dogan Uludogan
- Martyna Ziemba
- Stephanie Zirkenbach