Associate Professor Livia Alexander Named Newest HEAL Fellow
Posted in: Announcements

In a world where traditional education methods are constantly evolving, Associate Professor Dr. Livia Alexander stands at the forefront of innovation as a new HEAL fellow at Montclair State University. The HEAL Fellowship program provides opportunities for faculty to identify and study crucial problems and challenges facing higher education. These fellows propose scalable and impactful interventions aimed at supporting the success of students, faculty, staff, or the university as a whole.
As a HEAL fellow, Professor Alexander will spearhead a project that responds to the seismic shifts in higher education catalyzed by Generation Z students and the enduring impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the heart of this endeavor lies a bold ambition: to seamlessly integrate game-based learning into curricula, thereby enhancing student engagement and outcomes. Recognizing the unique characteristics of Generation Z, who are digital natives with an innate affinity for technology, Professor Alexander aims to harness and leverage the power of gaming methodologies to provide a fresh and dynamic approach to learning. Through rigorous research, collaboration, and phased development, she aims to create a modular gaming engine tailored to the unique requirements of higher education.
The HEAL Fellowship program emphasizes executing high-impact projects and developing fellows as leaders in higher education. Through structured reflective exercises, readings, meetings, and other experiences, fellows like Professor Alexander connect their growth as leaders to successfully implementing their projects. They work closely with on-campus mentors and foster and develop relationships with external mentors, enriching their learning journey and enhancing the impact of their initiatives.
For more information, please visit the links below.