Supports and Interventions for Behavioral and Academic Concerns
CEPS provides assessment and intervention services for students that are at-risk for behavioral, social-emotional (mental health) and academic challenges or already receiving special education services. Within the behavioral ecological consultation model used by CEPS, the assessments are directly tied to and inform interventions for students and not for evaluative or diagnostic purposes*. These include:
Behavioral/Mental Health Concerns

Academic Concerns

For academics, Curriculum Based Assessments (CBA) are used across reading, math, writing, spelling and other academic skills. Curriculum based assessments in contrast to traditional assessments and evaluations, use a problem solving model to focus on what academic supports the child needs based on the child’s mastery of the skill, rate of learning at the child’s instructional level, and an understanding of the instructional environment in which learning occurs (typically classrooms). Like the FBA, CBA typically involves record reviews, interviews, rating scales and direct observations as well as the assessments for targeting relevant academic domains. Additional academic supports including developing study skills and becoming organized (See service process page for more details).
Students who experience behavior problems experience academic problems and vice versa. As a result, and depending on need, combined behavior and academic support are also provided.
*The assessments mentioned above are different from psychological or psychoeducation evaluations, which are comprehensive assessments that typically inform diagnostic or classifications. If you are looking for a full evaluation, please contact Dr. Julia Coyne, assistant director of Psychological Services at 973-655-3527.